NIAS REF: AD/IG/01(2)/50
Good Afternoon Dominic
The NI Ambulance Service HSC Trust has now completed its search for your information. I...
Dear Mr Tops,
Please find attached response to your FOI request.
Kind Regards
Jana Blahova
Senior Customer Relations Officer
Dear Mr Hamill,
Please find attached the response to recent Freedom of Information request.
Kind Regards
Information Governance Team
Southern Health...
Dear Juan,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request (494941), which we
received on 27 April, 2018.
Please find your response atta...
Dear Douglas Milnes
Thank you for your email to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office about
gender inequalities in HIV diagnosis in sub- Saharan Afric...
Dear Mr McKee
Please see attached response to your FOI request DfC 2018/0017.
right -461639 0 0 right 12700 V...
Dear Mr Huijbers,
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your information request received
by us on 20^th July 2018. This is allocated to FOI...
Dear Mr Mustafa
Thank you for your email. Please find your Freedom of Information request
response attached to this email.
Yours sincerely
Please find attached our response to your FOI request.
Rebecca McCaw
Business Development Officer
2nd Floor, 7 Newington Barrow...
Dear Mr McKee
Please find our reply attached
Northern Ireland Audit Office
106 University Street
Telephone : (028) 9025 1
Dear Peter Jarman,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 7^th December
The information you have requested is as fo...
Dear Mr/Ms D Gallagher,
Please see our response to your requests enclosed.
Please publish all papers sent to the Historic Environment Scotland...
Dear Julie Thompson,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information – 77-1920.
Thank you for your request for information re...
Thank you for the email.
The freedom of information request received was for a copy of our
management chart which has been provided.
If th...
Dear K Huijbers,
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your information request received
by us on 19^th July. This is allocated to FOI 007....
Dear Mr McKee
Please see attached response to your FOI request.
Thank you
right -461639 0 0 right 12700 Voluntary &am...
Dear Sir or Madam
The answers to your question is shown below:
I would like to know the number of liability orders that SBC via the
Part 3 attached.
Sent: 29 May 2018 12:03
To: Till Bruckner
Subject: FW: RE: Freedom of Information request - ICL emai...
Good Morning Mr Bennet,
Please find attached your FOI acknowledgement on behalf of Ms Lorna
Kind regards,
Samantha Perris...
Good Morning Mr Risher,
Please find attached your FOI acknowledgement on behalf of Ms Lorna
Kind regards,
Samantha Perris...
Good Morning Mr Deas,
Please find attached your FOI acknowledgement on behalf of Ms Lorna
Kind regards,
Samantha Perris...
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your email dated 9th September 2013 about Edubase.
I am sorry that you have experienced problems with the excel workbook, I...
Good Afternoon Mr Randall,
Please find attached your FOI acknowledgement on behalf of Lorna
Kind regards,
Samantha Perris...
Dear Ms Taylor,
Please find attached the response to your recent FOI request.
The Information Governance Team
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your email dated 8th September 2013 about EduBase.
You requested:
"Unfortunately the .xls file that has been uploaded is corru...