Liverpool echo political editor,Liam Thorp & Fox St Village/ Hughes PR company
Dear Liverpool City Council,
Copy in - Tony Reeves, Chief Executive LCC
Nick Kavanagh LCC
Please supply all the information on the meeting and dealing with Gary Howard & Mayor Anderson and Nick Kavanagh.
[1] What are the outstanding planning fees due to LCC, from this developer and or Fox Street Villiage?
[2] How many meeting has Mayor Anderson held with Gary Howard [Fox Street Village]
and was both Councillor Joanne Calvert and Danial Hughes ever at these meeting, Has Nick Kavanagh held any meeting or dealt with Mr Howard [Fox St] or Kerry Tomlinson?
[3] Has Mayor Anderson ever met or known Gary Howard or his brother and other members of his family while Mr Anderson was the Mayor?
[4] What part has Councillor Joanne Calvert, play in setting up these meeting with Mayor Anderson and Gary Howard?
[5] Has the Mayor's staff or others in the council had any intervention on Fox Street Village?
[6] Has this Liverpool echo reporter 'Liam Throp' even called or interviewed, the Mayor over Gary Howard and the Mayor's daughter with links to Gary Howard and the amount of cash missing from this company [£33 million] and with no finished apartments almost for three years now
'Liam Throp' was asked over six months these questions and who were PH Invest Ltd with links to Dubai UAE, he was supposed to be investigating this has the Mayor been told this by the Liverpool Echo, if not why?
Yours faithfully,
Mr Robert Edwards
Dear Office of the Chief Executive,
Why is this taking so long and Liam Thorp is trying to blank this. by law, you will need to reply or we will take legal action.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr Edwards
Please see attached our response to your information request as submitted
to Liverpool City Council.
Information Team
Information Requests
Liverpool City Council
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