Liverpool Echo payments from the L C C past 5 years.

The request was successful.

Dear Liverpool City Council,

Can the Liverpool City Council please supply all information on the dealing with the Liverpool Echo regarding all payments to this newspaper in a form of adverts and taking out print paid space, over the last 5 years please.

What did the Council spent per year on all adverts and notices to the Liverpool echo.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Li Lee Hong Kong buyers group

Office of the Chief Executive, Liverpool City Council

Information request
Our reference: 557212

Dear Liverpool City Council,

I am awaiting a reply please.

Yours faithfully,

Li Lee HK buyers

Finance and Resources, Liverpool City Council

1 Attachment

Information request
Our reference: 557212

Josie Mullen left an annotation ()

So NOBODY in LCC has any idea how many Legal Notices/adverts etc etc were put specifically in the Liverpool Echo or how much of taxpayers money was spent specifically with that newspaper........please! if the Council is at that level of incompetency then there needs to be a drastic change in the financial affairs of the city.

Information Requests, Liverpool City Council

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Lee


Please see attached response to your FOI Request as submitted to Liverpool
City Council. Our apologies for the delay, which has been necessitated in
view of the scale and extent of the questions raised in the multiple
requests you made.




Information Team


Information Requests

Liverpool City Council

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[2]LCC auto signature (2)


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