Liverpool City Council instructed Cllr Gary Millar and Ellen Cutler/ Hong kong 2015

The request was successful.

Dear Liverpool City Council,

TITLE - Development Disasters / LCC & NPG

In light of the development disasters that are Chinatown , Berry House [plus Banksy Gallery], Baltic House, North Point etc, please supply the following information:

[1] Which individual, in Liverpool City Council instructed Cllr Gary Millar and Ellen Cutler to go to Hong Kong for the 31/10/2015 and to meet Samson Law and Peter McInnes to, evidently, promote NPG Ltd?

[2] .Has Cllr Ann O'Byrne ever communicated with any member of the Hong Kong Homes sales team, or indeed Samson Law, the Director of this company.....if so, please supply copies of all communications

[3] NPG Ltd stated that they were to bring 1000 jobs to the city, 30 million in taxes and over £300 million in investment. Instead, they, [PHD1 Construction, BILT Group, NPG and Chinatown Development Company] have created havoc in the city;developments left as bombsites, sub-contractors unpaid and investors not knowing if their investments will be built or their money recouped.

Having contacted the relevant Government office and obtained the relevant regulations on Due Diligence, please supply all information that would indicate why companies with no available accounts, in two cases, companies that had only just been incorporated and with no history of ever successfully being involved in a development of such significance and importance....would be permitted to become a 'preferred developer'.

This would indicate a complete lack of adherence to Due Diligence.

[4] Was any of the Chinatown land sold as freehold to NPG Ltd or its sister company or to Mr A Garcia, Peter McInnes. Did her office [Cllr Ann O'Byrne] and or (Invest Liverpool) help or give any form of grants loans to the above names and companies with regards to the land or start up fees in Pall Mall and Chinatown?

[5] In terms of individuals involved in developments in Liverpool and lack of Due Diligence:

[a] Nigel Russell had a police record when he dealt with the Council and is now going to be prosecuted for alleged fraud

[b] Tony Freeman has a previous police record and has recently been arrested [Pinnacle]
[c] Samuel Beilin [spokesperson for NPG] has a previous police record and will soon be up before the courts.

[d] Lee James Spencer [dubious business history] [director of NPG] will soon be up before the courts

[e] Peter Anthony McInnes - ex business associates that are in prison for drugs and gun crime [please see statements made by Judge at Proceeds of Crime court cases and statements made by DC Watson

Please indicate why Cllr Ann O'Byrne ignored Due Diligence in respect of so many developments

Yours faithfully,

Li Lee HK buyers

Regeneration and Employment, Liverpool City Council

Information request
Our reference: 557204

Dear Liverpool City Council,
I am waiting a reply please.

Yours faithfully,

Li Lee HK buyers

Information Requests, Liverpool City Council

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Lee


Please see attached response to your FOI Request as submitted to Liverpool
City Council. Our apologies for the delay, which has been necessitated in
view of the scale and extent of the questions raised in the multiple
requests you made.




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Liverpool City Council

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