Littering and fly-tipping statistics for Haringey council 2015/2016 & 2016/2017

The request was partially successful.

Dear Haringey Borough Council,

I am struggling with the high levels of littering and fly-tipping in the borough, particularly in the area between Bruce Grove and Seven Sisters where I live. I have become aware of similar issues in other parts of the borough through comments on social media.

I wondered if you could please provide the following information?

1. How many fly-tipping problems have been reported during the financial years 2016-2017 and 2015-2016 (with a breakdown of their location if possible)?
2. What has been the total expenditure of clearing these fly-tipping spots during the current financial year (2016-2017) and during the 2015-2016 period?
3. How many of these fly-tipping problems (refer to point 1 of this request) have resulted in a fine being issued, and/or the perpetrator(s) being identified and/or prosecuted?
4. How many fines for littering have been issued in the financial years 2016-2017 and 2015-2016, with location if possible?
5. How many fines for fly-tipping have been issued in the financial years 2016-2017 and 2015-2016, with location if possible?
6. The total revenue raised in the financial years 2016-2017 and 2015-2016 as a result of the fines mentioned in points 5 and 6 of this request, and how has this money been used?
7. In addition to fines, what specific measures have been implemented in the financial years 2016-2017 and 2015-2016 to deter fly-tipping spots, with details of whether they have been successful or not?
8. In addition to fines, what specific measures have been implemented in the financial years 2016-2017 and 2015-2016 to deter general littering (not only that originating from businesses, but also from regular passers-by)?

Thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Jose Marcano

Pietikainen Sirkku, Haringey Borough Council

Dear Mr Marcano


Freedom of Information / Environmental Information Regulations Request:
Reference LBH/5721316


I acknowledge your request for information received on 14 October 2016.


This information request will be dealt with in accordance with the Freedom
of Information Act 2000 / Environmental Information Regulations and we
will send the response by 11 November 2016.



Yours sincerely,



Sirkku Pietikäinen

Information Governance Officer

Shared Service Centre | Central Team


Haringey Council

River Park House, 225 High Road, London N22 8HQ


T. 020 8489 2552

[1][email address]






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Peddie Pauline, Haringey Borough Council

Dear Mr Marcano,

Re: Freedom of Information Act Request ref: LBH/5721316


Thank you for your request for information received on 14 October 2016, in
which you asked 8 questions, our answers are below highlighted in red:-  



1.         How many fly-tipping problems have been reported during the
financial years 2016-2017 and 2015-2016 (with a breakdown of their
location if possible)? Financial year:- 2016-17, - 20,222 so far incidents
of fly tipping and Financial year:- 2015-16, - 34975 fly tip reports.
Breakdown by location is not available.

2.         What has been the total expenditure of clearing these
fly-tipping spots during the current financial year (2016-2017) and during
the 2015-2016 period? This information is not available as fly tip removal
is integrated into the street cleansing service.

3.         How many of these fly-tipping problems (refer to point 1 of
this request) have resulted in a fine being issued, and/or the
perpetrator(s) being identified and/or prosecuted? See response for
question 5.

4.         How many fines for littering have been issued in the financial
years 2016-2017 and 2015-2016, with location if possible? 404 fines
issues for Financial year:- 2015/2016 and 177 fines issues for Financial
year:- 2016/2017. Breakdown by location is not available.

5.         How many fines for fly-tipping have been issued in the
financial years 2016-2017 and 2015-2016, with location if possible? No
fines issue for Financial Year:- 2015/2016 and 72 fines issued for
Financial year:- 2016/2017.

6.         The total revenue raised in the financial years 2016-2017 and
2015-2016 as a result of the fines mentioned in points 5 and 6 of this
request, and how has this money been used? The money is put back into the

7.         In addition to fines, what specific measures have been
implemented in the financial years 2016-2017 and 2015-2016 to deter
fly-tipping spots, with details of whether they have been successful or
not? 2015/2016 - The Tactical Enforcement Team worked on a pilot Task
Force to tackle the fly tipping hotspots in the borough.  In 2016/2017,
Haringey Council have contracted a company called (Kingdom) on a pilot
purely to issue Fixed Penalty Notices to anyone caught flytipping,
dropping litter etc.,  

8.         In addition to fines, what specific measures have been
implemented in the financial years 2016-2017 and 2015-2016 to deter
general littering (not only that originating from businesses, but also
from regular passers-by)? 2015/2016 - The Tactical Enforcement Team worked
on a pilot Task Force to tackle littering in the borough.  In 2016/2017,
Haringey Council have contracted a company called (Kingdom) on a pilot
purely to issue Fixed Penalty Notices to anyone caught dropping litter


If you are unhappy with how we have responded to your request you can ask
us to conduct an Internal Review. If so, please contact the Feedback and
Information Team as below. (Please note you should do this within two
months of receiving this response.)   


Feedback and Information Governance Team

River Park House

225 High Road

N22 8HQ

E [1][email address]



Yours sincerely,




Tom Hemming

Interim Neighbourhood Action Team Manager


Haringey Council

Alexandra House, 5th Floor, 10 Station Road, London N22 7TR


T. 020 8489 5625

E. [2][email address]






P Please consider the environment before printing this email.


From: Pietikainen Sirkku
Sent: 14 October 2016 17:08
To: '[FOI #364638 email]'
Subject: FOI Request - Lbh/5721316 Marcano


Dear Mr Marcano


Freedom of Information / Environmental Information Regulations Request:
Reference LBH/5721316


I acknowledge your request for information received on 14 October 2016.


This information request will be dealt with in accordance with the Freedom
of Information Act 2000 / Environmental Information Regulations and we
will send the response by 11 November 2016.



Yours sincerely,



Sirkku Pietikäinen

Information Governance Officer

Shared Service Centre | Central Team


Haringey Council

River Park House, 225 High Road, London N22 8HQ


T. 020 8489 2552

[6][email address]






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