Lists of Accessible Taxis under S167 Equality Act 2010

The request was successful.

Dear East Hampshire District Council,

1) Please advise if you have produced, or currently intend to produce, a list of wheelchair accessible:
a) taxis
b) private hire vehicles
under the powers set out in S167 of the Equality Act 2010.

2) Please identify how many a) taxi and b) PHV drivers have applied for medical / physical impairment exemption under S166 of the Equality Act 2010 since S166 was commenced. If you've created a list under S167, please identify how many of the exemptions were in place before S167 and how many have been put in since.

3) Please state whether you voluntarily compiled a list of accessible taxis and private hire vehicles following the Department for Transport's guidance of 15th September 2010, which stated, in relation to section 167, “although the list of designated vehicles will have no actual effect in law until the duties are commenced, we would urge licensing authorities to start maintaining a list as soon as possible for the purpose of liaising with the trade and issuing exemption certificates”. If you did produce such a voluntary list, please indicate when you did so, and provide the current list.

If you have produced a list of wheelchair accessible taxis and/or private hire vehicles under S167, or are going to, please tell me the following.

4) The date the list was instated or by which you intend to do so.

5) The accessibility requirements of a taxi for it to appear on the list.

6) How you intend to enforce drivers' compliance with S165.

7) The list.

Yours faithfully,

Doug Paulley

EHDC - Info Shared, East Hampshire District Council

Dear Mr Paulley

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Thank you for your request for information received on 4/19/2017 9:00 PM. Your request has been given the reference number FOI-001223. Please remember to quote the reference number if you contact us about the request.

Your request is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and/or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and will be answered within 20 working days of receipt of the information request.

If you have a My East Hampshire District Council account, you can keep up-to-date on the progress of this request through the ‘recent activity’ area.

For more information about how we deal with Freedom of Information and/or Environmental Information Regulation requests, go to:<>

East Hampshire District Council

Emma Grieve, East Hampshire District Council

Dear Mr Paulley,

In reply to your FOI request I can provide the following information:
The Council has not produced and does not currently intend to produce a list of wheelchair accessible taxis or private hire vehicles under the powers set out in S167 of the Equality Act 2010.

We have one driver who had an exemption before S167 was put in place and they are no longer licenced with us, and none since then.

As far as I am aware this Authority did not compile a list of accessible taxis and private hire vehicles following the Department for Transports guidance 15th September 2010.

Emma Grieve
Senior Environmental Health Officer (Licensing)
East Hampshire District Council, Penns Place, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU31 4EX
Direct Tel: 01730 234094 Fax: 01730 234330
[email address]<mailto:[email address]><><><>

If you are requesting information from East Hampshire District Council under the Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations, you can submit and track your request online through a My East Hampshire District Council account. Go to to get started.

EHDC - Info Shared, East Hampshire District Council

Dear Mr Paulley

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This is an automatic notification that your FOI/EIR Request FOI-001223 has now been marked as resolved. You should receive a separate email with specific details.

If you do not receive this information within 24 hours and you have checked your junk email folder, please contact the council at:

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Remembering to quote the reference number if you contact us about the request.

East Hampshire District Council

EHDC - Info Shared, East Hampshire District Council

Dear Mr Paulley

Please DO NOT reply to this email as it was sent from an unattended mailbox

Request for information received on 04/11/2017 00:30.

Reference number FOI-001796

Your request is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and/or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and will be answered within 20 working days of receipt of the information request.

For more information about how we deal with Freedom of Information and/or Environmental Information Regulation requests, go to:<>

Your request details:

Please see email attached dated 4 November 2017.

East Hampshire District Council

Dear EHDC - Info Shared,

Please use the following email address for my FOI request of 04/11/2017 00:30, reference number FOI-001796 - the request from which I sent the request.

[email address]

Yours sincerely,

Doug Paulley