List of UMIST Civil Engineering graduates in 1971

The request was successful.

Dear University of Manchester,
Would you be able to provide me with a list of graduates from the UMIST Civil Engineering faculty from 1971

Yours faithfully,
John Swankie

MTRS FOIA, University of Manchester

1 Attachment

Dear John,


I am writing to acknowledge your request under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 received by The University of Manchester today, our reference as
per the subject line.


The University will respond to your request within 20 working days.


NB Due to the current situation with the Covid-19 virus and the
University’s response to it, there may be a delay in receiving your
response at this time.


With best regards



Dr Lisa Crawley l  Information Officer  l Information Governance Office
l Directorate of Compliance and Risk l  Professional Support Services |
Room G7 Christie Building  l Compliance & Risk Management Office l  The
University of Manchester  l  Oxford Road  l  Manchester  l  M13 9PL  l 
Tel +44 (0)161 275 8400  



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MTRS FOIA, University of Manchester

Dear John,

Further to your request below, we have sought advice from the University's archivist with regard to the information you are seeking. Unfortunately he has confirmed that the documents that are likely to provide the information you require are in the University's archive on campus. Unfortunately, due to the current situation with Covid-19, the University's campus is currently shut and therefore we are unable to access the archive to respond to your request.

We will therefore be suspending your request until such a time that campus reopens and we are able to access the archive. Unfortunately at the moment however, we are unable to advise exactly when that might be.

Alternatively you may wish to withdraw your request at this time and resubmit it in the future, please advise by return email if this is the case.

We hope that you understand in the circumstances and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to you.

Kind regards


Sharon Glen | Information Officer | Information Governance Office | Directorate of Compliance and Risk |Professional Services | G7 Christie Building | The University of Manchester | Oxford Road | Manchester | M13 9PL | Tel +44(0) 161 306 7549|

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Thank you for your prompt reply to my request. If you don't mind I will leave the request open/pending and hope for an early end to the current Coronavirus problem.

Yours sincerely,

john swankie

MTRS FOIA, University of Manchester

Hi John,

Of course, no problem at all. I have marked your request up accordingly and we will be back in touch once we are back on campus.

Kind regards


Sharon Glen | Information Officer | Information Governance Office | Directorate of Compliance and Risk |Professional Services | G7 Christie Building | The University of Manchester | Oxford Road | Manchester | M13 9PL | Tel +44(0) 161 306 7549|

We are all responsible for protecting personal data held by the University, including who we share that data with. Stop and think before you send your email.  For further guidance see:

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MTRS FOIA, University of Manchester

2 Attachments

  • Attachment


    2K Download

  • Attachment

    FOI 020 247 Civil Engineering graduates.jpg

    19K Download

Dear John,


Thank you for your request for information received by The University of
Manchester on 12 May 2020 which was as follows:


Would you be able to provide me with a list of graduates from the UMIST
Civil Engineering faculty from 1971


Please accept our apologies for the delay caused in our response whilst
campus was closed due to the coronavirus crisis.


We have now had an opportunity to visit the archive and extract the
requested information from the 1971/2 University calendar entry for the
B.SC T civil engineering finals results (aka 1971 graduates). Please find
this attached. We have redacted the degree class from this as we believe
this is the personal data of the data subjects listed and as such,
disclosure would be unfair to them, and this information is therefore
exempt by virtue of the listed exemption at Section 40 (2) of the Freedom
of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) – third party personal data. This email
serves to act as a refusal notice in accordance with Section 17 (1) of the


I trust the attached is of use to you.


Kind regards


Sharon Glen | Information Officer | Information Governance Office |
Directorate of Compliance and Risk |Professional Services | G7 Christie
Building | The University of Manchester | Oxford Road | Manchester | M13
9PL | Tel +44(0) 161 306 7549| [1]


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University, including who we share that data with. Stop and think before
you send your email.  For further guidance see:



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