List of Regulatory Case Reports before 2008

The request was successful.

Dear Charity Commission for England and Wales,

Please provide me with a complete list of Regulatory Case Reports, or equivalent or similar documents, ever published by the Charity Commission.

If this is likely to be too burdensome a request, please get back to me ASAP so that I may narrow the time period.

Yours faithfully,

Ian Jackson

Web Enquiries, Charity Commission for England and Wales

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[1] You can also view the Welsh version of
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Victoria Feltham, Charity Commission for England and Wales

1 Attachment

Dear Mr. Jackson,

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request for a complete list of
Regulatory Case Reports or equivalent or similar documents ever published
by the Commission.  As a background note, the Commission publishes
Statement of the Results of an Inquiry (SORI) reports and Regulatory Case
Reports.  We will only publish a Regulatory Case Report on the conclusion
of non-inquiry cases where we decide that there is sufficient merit to do
so. The fundamental criterion for deciding to publish a report will be
whether it is in the public interest to publicise the outcome of the


I can confirm that the Commission first established the practice of
publishing reports into non-Inquiry cases that met the public interest
criterion in 2008 and so there are no Regulatory Case Reports that were
published prior to this time.  As such, the list of the reports that
features upon the Commission’s [1]website is the full list of all
published Regulatory Case Reports.

I can also confirm that the Commission holds an archive of all Statement
of the Results of an Inquiry (SORI) reports that have been published. 
These reports are similar in structure to Regulatory Case Reports, but are
reserved for Inquiries opened under section 8 of the Charities Act 1993. 
The list of archived Inquiry reports published since 2005 is also
available on the Commission’s [2]website.

All of the information about our inquiries which is already publically
available, either on our website or on request under our publication
scheme, is exempt from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of
Information Act because it is available to you by another means.  As such,
I have not reproduced this information in my response to you, however, to
be helpful I have set out links to where the information can be found on
our website, please see above. 

I can confirm that the Commission also holds an archive of those Statement
of the Results of an Inquiry (SORI) reports that were published prior to
2005.  This information is not held upon the Commission's website and so
please find attached a list of all of the reports that are held.

<<List of archived Inquiry reports pre-2005.xls>>

If you are unhappy with our response to your FOI request, have a complaint
or wish to request a review of our FOI decision, you should write to:
Charity Commission Direct by email to
[3][email address] or by post to P.O. Box 1227,
LIVERPOOL, L69 3UG.  Please state what it is you are dissatisfied with,
which will assist us when we review our response.

If you request a Decision Review you will be notified of our final
decision. Please note that we will accept requests for a Decision Review
up to a maximum of 3 months after the original decision. The 3 months will
be calculated from the date on which you receive written notification of
the original decision. You will be deemed to have received written
notification on the day after the letter enclosing the decision was sent
or the same day if the decision was sent by email.

If after this you remain unhappy with the decision, you may apply directly
to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision.  Generally, the ICO
cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted our complaints
procedure.  The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire SK9 5AF.

Yours sincerely,
Vicki Feltham (Mrs.),
Outreach and Development,
Charity Commission.
Tel: 0151 7031606

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