List of Production Teams Assisted by the RAF from 2019 to 2021
Dear Royal Air Force,
In list format, including dates, all film and television production teams that have worked with or received support (financial, advisory, or material) from the RAF from 2019 to 2021.
Yours faithfully,
Tarik Ata
Dear Tarik Ata,
Please see attached a letter relating to your recent email.
Yours sincerely,
F. Shailer
Air Command Secretairat
HQ Air Command Secretariat, Spitfire Building, Room 2E27, RAF High
Wycombe, Bucks HP14 4UE
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Dear Tarik Ata,
Please find attached a reply to your email of 1 March 2023.
F. Shailer
HQ Air Command Secretariat, Spitfire Building, Room 2E27, RAF High
Wycombe, Bucks HP14 4UE
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or policies of the department.
Dare Tarik Ata,
Please find attached a reply to your email of 2 March 2023.
Yours sincerely,
F. Shailer
Air Command Secretariat
HQ Air Command Secretariat, Spitfire Building, Room 2E27, RAF High
Wycombe, Bucks HP14 4UE
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liability in this respect for any loss or damage. The statements expressed
in this communication are personal and do not necessarily reflect opinions
or policies of the department.
Dear [email address],
Thank you for your response.
May you also provide the names of the non-news productions?
Yours sincerely,
Tarik Ata
Dear Tarik Ata,
Please see attached a letter in reply to your email of 29 March.
Yours sincerely,
F. Shailer
F. Shailer
HQ Air Command Secretariat, Spitfire Building, Room 2E27, RAF High
Wycombe, Bucks HP14 4UE
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you are not a named addressee please notify the originator as soon as
possible as this communication may contain privileged information. While
this communication is believed to be free from viruses the MOD accepts no
liability in this respect for any loss or damage. The statements expressed
in this communication are personal and do not necessarily reflect opinions
or policies of the department.
Dear [email address],
To clarify, the FOI request made was in relation to the FOI request (2023-02829). I was provided with a table of non-news media productions, for which I am thankful. However, I would also like the titles of these non-news productions, as stated in the original request.
Yours sincerely,
Tarik Ata
Dear Tarik Ata,
Please find attached an acknowledgement of your email of 2 April.
Yours sincerely,
F. Shailer
Air Command Secretariat
HQ Air Command Secretariat, Spitfire Building, Room 2E27, RAF High
Wycombe, Bucks HP14 4UE
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possible as this communication may contain privileged information. While
this communication is believed to be free from viruses the MOD accepts no
liability in this respect for any loss or damage. The statements expressed
in this communication are personal and do not necessarily reflect opinions
or policies of the department.
Dear Tarik Ata,
Please find attached a reply to your email of 2 April.
Yours sincerely,
F. Shailer
Air Command-Secretariat
HQ Air Command Secretariat, Spitfire Building, Room 2E27, RAF High
Wycombe, Bucks HP14 4UE
This e-mail, and any files transmitted with it, is to be treated in
accordance with its protective marking (if any) and is intended for the
addressee(s) only. It is sent via the MOD and email traffic on MOD systems
is subject to monitoring, recording and auditing for lawful purposes. If
you are not a named addressee please notify the originator as soon as
possible as this communication may contain privileged information. While
this communication is believed to be free from viruses the MOD accepts no
liability in this respect for any loss or damage. The statements expressed
in this communication are personal and do not necessarily reflect opinions
or policies of the department.
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