List of I.T Suppliers & costs

The request was successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to request a complete list of suppliers/contractors
and consultants that have been used over the past year when
procuring I.t hardware and the total spend on i.t hardware during
the past financial year. Also could you break this hardware spend
down to show what brand servers, networking and desktop hardware
were purchased with a spend amount in each segment.

Yours faithfully,

James Connely

Joanna Finch, South East England Development Agency

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Connely

Please find attached our letter acknowledging your recent request under
the Freedom of Information Act.

Kind regards

Joanna Finch on behalf of
Alistair Browne
Information Manager
South East England Development Agency (SEEDA)

<<AckLet R00142 Connely.pdf>>

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Paul Lovejoy, South East England Development Agency

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Connely,

Please find attached SEEDA's response to your Freedom of Information


Paul Lovejoy
Executive Director of Strategy & Communications
Cross Lanes
Tel: 01483 484223
Fax: 01483 577874
Email: [email address]

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Paul Lovejoy, South East England Development Agency

1 Attachment

Dear Mr. Connely,

Please find attached SEEDA's response to your Freedom of Information

<<R00198 - Connely - Replylet.pdf>>

Paul Lovejoy
Executive Director, Strategy
Cross Lanes
Tel: 01483 484223
Fax: 01483 577874
Email: [email address]

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