List of FOI Requests

The request was successful.

Dear Defence Infrastructure Organisation,

I am writing to yourselves to request the following information;

A full list of all FOI Requests made to your department (and the former defence estates) from 2015 - 2020 and the outcome of each request (successful or not)

Yours faithfully,


CIO-FOI (MULTIUSER), Defence Infrastructure Organisation

1 Attachment

Dear Joe,


Please see attached letter in relation to your request for information




Information Rights Team

Ministry of Defence



show quoted sections


I believe that's this website not adding my surname to the request.

I've now added it to this reply. Is this sufficient.

Yours sincerely,

Joe Smith

DIO Sec-Parli (MULTIUSER), Defence Infrastructure Organisation

Dear Joe Smith

Your request has been logged under our reference 2020/11990 and the target date for response is 25/11/2020.

Yours sincerely

DIO Secretariat

show quoted sections

DIO Sec-Parli (MULTIUSER), Defence Infrastructure Organisation

2 Attachments

Good Morning Mr Smith,


With apologies for the delay, please find attached the response to your
recent request.


Kind regards,


DIO Secretariat