List of empty buildings relief commercial properties or land in enfield

Enfield Council did not have the information requested.

Dear Enfield Council,

I am seeking a small commercial property please can you provide me with the following information under the Freedom Of Information Act 2000:-

(a) addresses and rateable values of empty buildings relief commercial properties and land
with a current rateable value between £4,000 and £10,000 that are within Enfield Council area; and

(b) the names and addresses of the companies of those properties referred to in (a)

I am seeking a list of properties currently benefiting from empty buildings relief in respect
of their business rates.

I also need a list of any properties the council is currently considering, or has recently issued orders, or informal requests, in respect of.

Yours faithfully,

andrew bent

[1]Enfield Logo

Dear Sir / Madam

We acknowledge your request for information received on 29/01/2017 05.02

Your request has been forwarded to the appropriate team or service holding
the information and that team will respond to your request and contact you
where required.

If the information you are seeking exists, and we are not prevented from
releasing it by an exemption, the Council aim to provide you with the
information within 20 working days from receipt of your request.

Yours Sincerely
Enfield Council

Dear Sir / Madam

We acknowledge your request for information received on 29/01/2017 05.02

Your request has been forwarded to the appropriate team or service holding
the information and that team will respond to your request and contact you
where required.

If the information you are seeking exists, and we are not prevented from
releasing it by an exemption, the Council aim to provide you with the
information within 20 working days from receipt of your request.

Yours Sincerely
Enfield Council

Thank you for your question. Please take a look at these Answers from our
knowledge base that might answer your question.

If no Answers are shown this means we do not currently have any
information regarding this subject matter within our knowledge base.
 Discussion Thread
 Customer By Email (andrew bent) 29/01/2017 05.02 PM
Dear Enfield Council,

I am seeking a small commercial property please can you provide me with
the following information under the Freedom Of Information Act 2000:-

(a) addresses and rateable values of empty buildings relief commercial
properties and land
with a current rateable value between £4,000 and £10,000 that are within
Enfield Council area; and

(b) the names and addresses of the companies of those properties referred
to in (a)

I am seeking a list of properties currently benefiting from empty
buildings relief in respect
of their business rates.

I also need a list of any properties the council is currently considering,
or has recently issued orders, or informal requests, in respect of.

Yours faithfully,

andrew bent


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[2][FOI #385429 email]

Is [3][Enfield Council request email] the wrong address for Freedom of
Information requests to Enfield Council? If so, please contact us using
this form:

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the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the
latest advice from the ICO:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.

 Question Reference No170129-000016
Subject :  Your Council (Benefit,Registrars)
Subject Level 2:  Freedom of Information
Date Created:  29/01/2017 05.02 PM
Last Updated:  29/01/2017 05.02 PM
Status:  Correspondence team



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Simon Ranyard, Enfield Council

Dear Mr Bent


In response to your freedom of information request dated 14^th February
2017.  I am sorry that your freedom of information request had been missed
at the time and therefore not responded to within the requisite
timeframe.   Unfortunately due to the Revaluation and the wave of
Government changes we have had to deliver, which also coincided with main
billing we have not had the resources until now to clear missed
requests.   I do apologise for the delay.


However I must ask you to treat this email as a refusal notice.


We will not release information concerning vacant property or land. 


I am happy to provide the  quantum  of properties that are currently
recorded as empty  (or more general statistics) but this is a dynamic
situation due the high level of demand for property and as a rough guide
at any point it is around 10%. 


Section 31 of the Freedom of Information Act in this Authority’s view
applies to this request.  This section provides that information is exempt
from disclosure if such disclosure would prejudice the “prevention or
detection of crime”.   Putting the addresses of empty properties
(residential or otherwise) within the Borough into the public domain would
in the Authority’s view compromise the security of the buildings concerned
and would prejudice the objectives of preventing criminal behaviour.  We
consider there is a significant risk that releasing details of empty
properties might lead to burglary, arson or squatting.  Within the borough
there have been occasions recently when fires have been set in empty
properties.   In relation to domestic and commercial empty properties,
there is also known use of such empty properties to commit benefit fraud,
identity fraud and money laundering.


We have consulted with other Boroughs who have also received similar
requests, we have been advised that concerns have also been expressed by
the Metropolitan Police.  These concerns indicate that release of the
information sought would in the police’s view increase the potential for
the properties to be targeted by squatters, by criminals or terrorists
intent on hiding or depositing proceeds of crime or terrorist materials. 
There is also the potential for premises to be identified as short-term
hiding places by criminals or terrorists.  We have consulted our local
police and they have confirmed the number of incidents of crimes carried
out on empty properties, and their view is that disclosing this
information would prejudice the prevention of crime.


These incidents would support the concerns the Authority has as to the
prejudice to the prevention of crime in the borough if the information
were disclosed.  The Act does not allow the Council to enquire as to
motives, nor do we have any control over distribution of the information
once it is released into the public domain.  Making it available to you
effectively makes it available to all.


Section 31 is a qualified exemption to which the public interest test must
be applied. There do not appear to be any obvious public interest
considerations that would weigh in favour of disclosure beyond that
wherever possible it is in the public interest for them to have access to
information.  There is however in our view clear public interest
considerations that weigh in favour of not disclosing the information
since to do so would prejudice the objective of prevention of crime which
is of course in everyone’s interests.  Having considered whether the
public interest weighs in favour of disclosure or non-disclosure in this
instance the Authority has decided that it is not in the public interest
to release such information.  


However it is also true that most of the information you seek is already
in the public domain.  The Council has a portfolio of empty property some
is available for let and our agents Spencer Craig  handle the Councils
commercial lets.   You can contact these agents for a list of empty
property.  These properties will have been professionally secured and are
monitored.  Other Agents will also have a list of empty property, such as
Bowyer Bryce etc. who will no doubt be happy to help in your search if you
have not already found a small commercial property. 


If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your
request and wish to make a complaint or request a review of our decision,
you should email:  [1][email address]


If you are not content with the outcome your complaint, you may apply
directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the
ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints
procedure provided by the Authority. The Information Commissioner can be
contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water
Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.  Or Email: [2][email address]


Kind regards


Simon Ranyard

Ndr Team Leader

Revenues and Benefits

Enfield Council

Silver Street




Tel: + 44 (0)20 8379 4766

[3][email address]


"Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole borough fairly,
delivering excellent services and building strong communities."




Request Details


I am seeking a small commercial property please can you provide me with
the following information under the Freedom Of Information Act 2000:-


(a) addresses and rateable values of empty buildings relief commercial
properties and land

with a current rateable value between £4,000 and £10,000 that are within
Enfield Council area; and


(b) the names and addresses of the companies of those properties referred
to in (a)


I am seeking a list of properties currently benefiting from empty
buildings relief in respect

of their business rates.


I also need a list of any properties the council is currently considering,
or has recently issued orders,  or informal requests, in respect of.


Requester Details


Mr Andrew Bent

[4][FOI #385429 email]


       Email Address: [5][FOI #385429 email]

          First Name: andrew

           Last Name: bent




        House Number:

          House Name:

 1st Line of Address:

 2nd Line of Address:

      Full Post Code:


     Educ_E-bulletin: No

           Age Range:


       Ethnic Origin:



         survey date:


CSC Survey Completed:

     Book Promotions:

          Staff Role:






Opened by Username





Reference #170129-000016


            Question: Freedom of Information request - List of empty

                      buildings relief commercial properties or land

                      in enfield

            Subject : Your Council (Benefit,Registrars)

     Subject Level 2: Freedom of Information

    Category Level 1: PID 722 - Freedom of Information Act

        Date Created: 29/01/2017 05.02 PM

        Last Updated: 29/01/2017 05.02 PM

              Status: Correspondence team


   Transaction Types:

   Avoidable Contact:

  Cause Descriptions:

     Channel Failure:



Department List 2011:


Comments Field





Discussion Thread


Response - 29/01/2017 05.02 PM



Dear Sir / Madam


We acknowledge your request for information received on 29/01/2017 05.02


Your request has been forwarded to the appropriate team or service holding
the information and that team will respond to your request and contact you
where required.


If the information you are seeking exists, and we are not prevented from
releasing it by an exemption, the Council aim to provide you with the
information within 20 working days from receipt of your request.


Yours Sincerely

Enfield Council



Dear Sir / Madam


We acknowledge your request for information received on 29/01/2017 05.02


Your request has been forwarded to the appropriate team or service holding
the information and that team will respond to your request and contact you
where required.


If the information you are seeking exists, and we are not prevented from
releasing it by an exemption, the Council aim to provide you with the
information within 20 working days from receipt of your request.


Yours Sincerely

Enfield Council



Thank you for your question. Please take a look at these Answers from our
knowledge base that might answer your question.



If no Answers are shown this means we do not currently have any
information regarding this subject matter within our knowledge base.



Customer By Email (andrew bent) - 29/01/2017 05.02 PM

Dear Enfield Council,


I am seeking a small commercial property please can you provide me with
the following information under the Freedom Of Information Act 2000:-


(a) addresses and rateable values of empty buildings relief commercial
properties and land

with a current rateable value between £4,000 and £10,000 that are within
Enfield Council area; and


(b) the names and addresses of the companies of those properties referred
to in (a)


I am seeking a list of properties currently benefiting from empty
buildings relief in respect

of their business rates.


I also need a list of any properties the council is currently considering,
or has recently issued orders,  or informal requests, in respect of.


Yours faithfully,


andrew bent




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[6][FOI #385429 email]


Is [7][email address] the wrong address for Freedom of
Information requests to Enfield Council? If so, please contact us using
this form:



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the
latest advice from the ICO:



If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.







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