List of council housing addresses

The request was refused by Greenwich Borough Council.

Dear Greenwich Borough Council,

Please supply a list (spreadsheet or similar is fine) of all council housing under your remit.

Please also supply a list of ex-council housing (ie properties bought out under right-to-buy etc).

I request this on the basis that another council Welyn Hatfield Borough Council has already completed similar FOI request.

Yours faithfully,

Josef Smith

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mr Smith,

Freedom of Information request: FOI-18842

Thank you for your request dated 31 August 2018

Your request will be answered by 28 September 2018

If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the reference number above.

Yours sincerely,

Jackie Jago
Head of Corporate Services
Corporate Services
Directorate of Central Services
Royal Borough of Greenwich

020 8921 5044
 Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW

show quoted sections

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mr Smith,

Freedom of Information request: FOI-18842

Please accept our apologies for the delay in providing a response to your Freedom of Information request.

Your request is currently being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and will be progressed as soon as we have received the clarification requested below.

Please can you specify the timeframe for which you would like the requested information?

Please quote the reference number in your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Jackie Jago
Head of Corporate Services
Central Services
Royal Borough of Greenwich

 020 8921 5044
0   Room 20, Basement, Town Hall, Wellington Street, Woolwich, London SE18 6PW

 Please consider the environment before printing this email

show quoted sections

Dear Sir/Madam,

If you could please provide the current list of all properties held as well as the last 5 years of sold properties that would be sufficient.

Many Thanks,

Josef Smith

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mr Smith

Freedom of Information request: FOI-18842

Thank you for your clarification, dated 03/01/2019.

As your clarification was not received within two-months of the clarification request, which was dated 01/10/2018, your Freedom of Information request has been permanently closed.

Please submit a new request for a response to be issued.

Yours sincerely,

Jackie Jago
Head of Corporate Services
Corporate Services
Directorate of Central Services
Royal Borough of Greenwich

020 8921 5044
 Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW

show quoted sections

Dear Greenwich Borough Council,

Please supply a list (spreadsheet or similar is fine) of all council housing under your remit.

Please also supply a list of ex-council housing (ie properties bought out under right-to-buy etc).

I request this on the basis that another council Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council has already completed similar FOI request.

I would also add that I have been waiting for this to be delivered since my request on the 31st August 2018.

Can you please ensure this is dealt with as a matter of urgency

Yours faithfully,

Josef Smith

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    FOI 18842 Freedom of Information request List of council housing addresses.txt

    2K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Smith


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-25883


Thank you for your request dated 18 March 2019


Your request will be answered by 15 April 2019


Regarding your FOI request that you submitted in August 2018 (FOI-18842),
please find attached the correspondence which was issued to you on
04/01/2019, stating that this request had been closed & that you would
need to submit another request for a response to be issued.


We will used the previous clarification that you submitted on 03/01/2019,
i.e. “could please provide the current list of all properties held as well
as the last 5 years of sold properties that would be sufficient.”



If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.


Yours sincerely,


Jackie Jago

Head of Corporate Services

Corporate Services

Directorate of Communities & Environment

Royal Borough of Greenwich


' 020 8921 5044

*   Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW



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show quoted sections

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    FOI 18842 Freedom of Information request List of council housing addresses.txt

    2K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Smith


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-25883


Please accept our apologies for the delay in providing a response to your
Freedom of Information request.  This has been due to resourcing issues.


We are endeavouring to provide the requested information by 23 April 2019
and we apologise for any inconvenience caused by the delay.



Yours sincerely,


Jackie Jago

Head of Corporate Services

Corporate Services

Directorate of Central Services

Royal Borough of Greenwich


' 020 8921 5044

*   Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW





From: foi
Sent: 18 March 2019 15:22
To: 'Josef Smith' <[FOI #517008 email]>
Cc: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: FOI-25883: FOI 18842: Freedom of Information request - List of
council housing addresses


Dear Mr Smith


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-25883


Thank you for your request dated 18 March 2019


Your request will be answered by 15 April 2019


Regarding your FOI request that you submitted in August 2018 (FOI-18842),
please find attached the correspondence which was issued to you on
04/01/2019, stating that this request had been closed & that you would
need to submit another request for a response to be issued.


We will used the previous clarification that you submitted on 03/01/2019,
i.e. “could please provide the current list of all properties held as well
as the last 5 years of sold properties that would be sufficient.”



If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.


Yours sincerely,


Jackie Jago

Head of Corporate Services

Corporate Services

Directorate of Communities & Environment

Royal Borough of Greenwich


' 020 8921 5044

*   Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW



ü Please consider the environment before printing this email






show quoted sections

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mr Smith


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-25883


Please accept our apologies for the delay in providing a response to your
Freedom of Information request.  This is still due to resourcing issues
within the Housing & Safer Communities directorate.


We are endeavouring to provide the requested information by 03 May 2019
and we apologise for any inconvenience caused by the delay.



Yours sincerely,


Jackie Jago

Head of Corporate Services

Corporate Services

Directorate of Central Services

Royal Borough of Greenwich


' 020 8921 5044

*   Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW





From: foi
Sent: 15 April 2019 09:40
To: '[FOI #517008 email]'
<[FOI #517008 email]>
Cc: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: FOI-25883: FOI 18842: Freedom of Information request - List of
council housing addresses


Dear Mr Smith


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-25883


Please accept our apologies for the delay in providing a response to your
Freedom of Information request.  This has been due to resourcing issues.


We are endeavouring to provide the requested information by 23 April 2019
and we apologise for any inconvenience caused by the delay.



Yours sincerely,


Jackie Jago

Head of Corporate Services

Corporate Services

Directorate of Central Services

Royal Borough of Greenwich


' 020 8921 5044

*   Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW





From: foi
Sent: 18 March 2019 15:22
To: 'Josef Smith' <[1][FOI #517008 email]>
Cc: foi <[2][Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: FOI-25883: FOI 18842: Freedom of Information request - List of
council housing addresses


Dear Mr Smith


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-25883


Thank you for your request dated 18 March 2019


Your request will be answered by 15 April 2019


Regarding your FOI request that you submitted in August 2018 (FOI-18842),
please find attached the correspondence which was issued to you on
04/01/2019, stating that this request had been closed & that you would
need to submit another request for a response to be issued.


We will used the previous clarification that you submitted on 03/01/2019,
i.e. “could please provide the current list of all properties held as well
as the last 5 years of sold properties that would be sufficient.”



If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.


Yours sincerely,


Jackie Jago

Head of Corporate Services

Corporate Services

Directorate of Communities & Environment

Royal Borough of Greenwich


' 020 8921 5044

*   Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW



ü Please consider the environment before printing this email






show quoted sections

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mr Smith


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-25883 GM


Thank you for your request dated 18 March 2019


Our response is as follows:


Please supply a list (spreadsheet or similar is fine) of all council
housing under your remit.


I can confirm that the Council holds a list of all council housing under
its remit.  The information is being withheld in accordance with section
40 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  This information constitutes
third party data.  Section 40(2) provides that personal data about third
parties is exempt information if one of the conditions set out in section
40(3) is satisfied.  Under the FOI Act disclosure of this information
would breach the fair processing principle contained in the Data
Protection Act, where it would be unfair to the residents to place their
address and full postcode in the public domain.  Also there is a
reasonable expectation that these residents would expect the council to
keep this information confidential.




Please also supply a list of ex-council housing (ie properties bought out
under right-to-buy etc).


I can confirm that the Council holds a list of ex-council housing.  The
information is being withheld in accordance with section 40 of the Freedom
of Information Act 2000.  This information constitutes third party data. 
Section 40(2) provides that personal data about third parties is exempt
information if one of the conditions set out in section 40(3) is
satisfied.  Under the FOI Act disclosure of this information would breach
the fair processing principle contained in the Data Protection Act, where
it would be unfair to the residents to place their address and full
postcode in the public domain.  Also there is a reasonable expectation
that these residents would expect the council to keep this information



If you have any queries about this correspondence, please contact me,
quoting the reference number above.


If you are not satisfied with our response to your request, you can ask
for an Internal Review.  Internal review requests must be submitted within
two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original
request.  If you wish to do this, please contact us in writing, setting
out why you are dissatisfied.


If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, you may
apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision. 
Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the
Internal Review procedure provided by the Council. You can contact the ICO
by emailing [1][email address], or by post at Customer Contact,
Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
SK9 5AF.


Yours sincerely,


Jackie Jago

Head of Corporate Services

Corporate Services

Directorate of Communities & Environment

Royal Borough of Greenwich


' 020 8921 5044




From: foi
Sent: 24 April 2019 15:11
To: '[FOI #517008 email]'
<[FOI #517008 email]>
Cc: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: FOI-25883: FOI 18842: Freedom of Information request - List of
council housing addresses


Dear Mr Smith


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-25883


Please accept our apologies for the delay in providing a response to your
Freedom of Information request.  This is still due to resourcing issues
within the Housing & Safer Communities directorate.


We are endeavouring to provide the requested information by 03 May 2019
and we apologise for any inconvenience caused by the delay.



Yours sincerely,


Jackie Jago

Head of Corporate Services

Corporate Services

Directorate of Central Services

Royal Borough of Greenwich


' 020 8921 5044

*   Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW





From: foi
Sent: 15 April 2019 09:40
To: '[FOI #517008 email]'
<[2][FOI #517008 email]>
Cc: foi <[3][Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: FOI-25883: FOI 18842: Freedom of Information request - List of
council housing addresses


Dear Mr Smith


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-25883


Please accept our apologies for the delay in providing a response to your
Freedom of Information request.  This has been due to resourcing issues.


We are endeavouring to provide the requested information by 23 April 2019
and we apologise for any inconvenience caused by the delay.



Yours sincerely,


Jackie Jago

Head of Corporate Services

Corporate Services

Directorate of Central Services

Royal Borough of Greenwich


' 020 8921 5044

*   Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW





From: foi
Sent: 18 March 2019 15:22
To: 'Josef Smith' <[4][FOI #517008 email]>
Cc: foi <[5][Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: FOI-25883: FOI 18842: Freedom of Information request - List of
council housing addresses


Dear Mr Smith


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-25883


Thank you for your request dated 18 March 2019


Your request will be answered by 15 April 2019


Regarding your FOI request that you submitted in August 2018 (FOI-18842),
please find attached the correspondence which was issued to you on
04/01/2019, stating that this request had been closed & that you would
need to submit another request for a response to be issued.


We will used the previous clarification that you submitted on 03/01/2019,
i.e. “could please provide the current list of all properties held as well
as the last 5 years of sold properties that would be sufficient.”



If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.


Yours sincerely,


Jackie Jago

Head of Corporate Services

Corporate Services

Directorate of Communities & Environment

Royal Borough of Greenwich


' 020 8921 5044

*   Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW



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