List of council-funded women-only swimming sessions
Dear Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council,
1. Please list all council-funded public swimming pools that provide 'women only' or 'ladies only' (or similarly described) swimming sessions in your local authority.
2. Which of the listed facilities that advertise 'women only' or 'ladies only' (or similarly described) swimming sessions, provide an environment that is exclusively single sex, i.e., for females only, and which facilities provide a session that is mixed sex, i.e., do not exclude males who identify as a woman?
3. Please send me a copy of the council policy or policies that cover the provision of 'women only' or 'ladies only' (or similarly described) swimming sessions.
4. Please tell me, do the council-funded leisure centres and sports facilities provide single sex changing rooms and showers in your local authority?
Yours faithfully,
F. McGinty
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Dear F. McGinty,
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Dear F. McGinty,
Further to your recent request made under the Freedom of Information Act
2000, we confirm we do hold the information requested. Please find this
information below:-
Our response:
1. Please list all council-funded public swimming pools that provide
'women only' or 'ladies only' (or similarly described) swimming sessions
in your local authority.
We do not hold this information as we do not have any women only / ladies
only sessions within the current swim programmes operating at our two
2. Which of the listed facilities that advertise 'women only' or
'ladies only' (or similarly described) swimming sessions, provide an
environment that is exclusively single sex, i.e., for females only, and
which facilities provide a session that is mixed sex, i.e., do not exclude
males who identify as a woman?
Not applicable
3. Please send me a copy of the council policy or policies that cover
the provision of 'women only' or 'ladies only' (or similarly described)
swimming sessions.
We do not hold this information as we do not have any women only / ladies
only sessions within the current swim programmes operating at our two
4. Please tell me, do the council-funded leisure centres and sports
facilities provide single sex changing rooms and showers in your local
Individual cubicles are provided within a large changing area for changing
alongside banks of public showers and individual private showers available
for use.
For large bookings, there are group female and male changing rooms also
provided which do not have individual cubicles contained within them.
If you are unhappy with the handling of your request, you have the right
to request an internal review within 40 days of our initial response and
please note that we are not obliged to accept internal reviews after this
If you wish to request an internal review please write to:
The Data Protection Officer, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, Civic
Offices, London Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4AH.
Or via email to [1][Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council request email]
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
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Government Licence. For further information on how these regulations
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Information Regulations Webpage on the link below:
[4]Re-Use of Public Sector Information
For your information, we are publishing FOI requests and responses on the
council’s website[5] so the response to this
request may be published at a later date. To view published responses
please follow the link below:
[6]FOI Disclosure Log
Kind regards
Fola Esan
Data Protection Planning and Litigation Paralegal
Shared Legal Services
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
and Hart District Council
Tel (Direct): 01256 845707
Fax: 01256 845200.
Email: [email address]
Follow us on Twitter [9]@BasingstokeGov
Reference: 053409 / 00826944
From: F. McGinty <[FOI #990835 email]>
Sent: 14 June 2023 21:21
To: Freedom of Information <[Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - List of council-funded
women-only swimming sessions
**** PLEASE NOTE: This message has originated from a source external to
Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council, and has been scanned for viruses.
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council reserves the right to store and
monitor e-mails ****
Dear Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council,
1. Please list all council-funded public swimming pools that provide
'women only' or 'ladies only' (or similarly described) swimming sessions
in your local authority.
2. Which of the listed facilities that advertise 'women only' or 'ladies
only' (or similarly described) swimming sessions, provide an environment
that is exclusively single sex, i.e., for females only, and which
facilities provide a session that is mixed sex, i.e., do not exclude males
who identify as a woman?
3. Please send me a copy of the council policy or policies that cover the
provision of 'women only' or 'ladies only' (or similarly described)
swimming sessions.
4. Please tell me, do the council-funded leisure centres and sports
facilities provide single sex changing rooms and showers in your local
Yours faithfully,
F. McGinty
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