List of council-funded women-only swimming sessions

Rebecca West made this Freedom of Information request to Thanet District Council Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

Thanet District Council did not have the information requested.

Dear Thanet District Council,

1. Please list all council-funded public swimming pools that provide 'women only' or 'ladies only' (or similarly described) swimming sessions in your local authority.

2. Which of the listed facilities that advertise 'women only' or 'ladies only' (or similarly described) swimming sessions, provide an environment that is exclusively single sex, i.e., for females only, and which facilities provide a session that is mixed sex, i.e., do not exclude males who identify as a woman?

3. Please send me a copy of the council policy or policies that cover the provision of 'women only' or 'ladies only' (or similarly described) swimming sessions.

4. Please tell me, do the council-funded leisure centres and sports facilities provide single sex changing rooms and showers in your local authority?

Yours faithfully,

Rebecca West

TDC FOI, Thanet District Council

Receipt for FOI 7014

Dear Rebecca West,

Thank you for your information request dated 16/09/2023.

I can confirm that we have received your request and are now processing
it. Our reference number for your request is FOI 7014.

We will look to make a full disclosure of the information requested by

We will let you know if there are any issues processing your request and
if there will be any delays regarding collating the information you have
Further information on how we process personal data in Information
Governance can be found on the Council's privacy statement
page: [1]
Kind regards,

Information Governance Officer
Information Governance | Legal
[2][email address] | (01843) [4][IMG]
[3]Cecil St, Margate CT9 1XZ
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Thanet District council youtube
[12]No Excuse for Abuse campaign

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TDC FOI, Thanet District Council

Ref: FOI 7014
Dear Rebecca West,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 16/09/2023.
The response to your request is set out below.
Our response:
We confirm that we do not hold the information that you have requested.
Response: Public swimming pools are not run by Thanet District Council
therefore we do not hold this information. 
Some of the information that you are seeking about single sex facilities
may be found here: [1] or contacting them
If you are unhappy with the way your enquiry has been dealt with, you may
ask for an internal review by submitting a request within one month of the
date of this response. 
Further information on the internal review process is can be found
here: [2]
Your request should be addressed to the Information Governance Manager,
Thanet District Council, PO Box 9, Cecil Street, Margate, CT9 1XZ or by
emailing [3][email address].  
If you are still dissatisfied after an internal review, you may appeal to
the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow SK9
Further information on how we process personal data in Information
Governance can be found on the Council's privacy statement
page: [4]
Kind regards,

Information Governance Officer
Information Governance | Legal
[5][email address] | (01843) [7][IMG]
[6]Cecil St, Margate CT9 1XZ
[9]link to Thanet district councils
facebook account [10]link to Thanet
district councils twitter account [11]link
[8]Thanet District Council to Thanet district councils instagram
account [12]link to Thanet district
councils linkedin account [13]Link to
Thanet District council youtube

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