List of children's playparks

The request was successful.

Dear East Ayrshire Council,

I am emailing to request a list of council owned/maintained children's playparks within the local authority area. I would be grateful if this list could be supplied in a spreadsheet format, detailing the playpark name; address; postcode; and either datazone[1] or cartesian coordinates[2] in which the playpark is situated.

Furthermore, if you hold the information, I would also like an indication for each playpark as to whether it contains any accessible play equipment. Where possible, I would appreciate if this could indicate the type of accessible play equipment present. For example, I would be grateful if you could indicate if you have any of the following in your play parks:

Inclusive dish
Wheelchair accessible roundabout
Basket swing
Wheelchair swing
High back/adaptive swing
Sensory play equipment
Wheelchair accessible trampoline
Springer with back supports
Seesaw with back supports
Wheelchair accessible multi-play unit
Wheelchair accessible play house

In addition, if you could provide information on if each playpark has any of the below that would be greatly appreciated:

Accessible toilet
Changing Places toilet
Accessible paths
Car parking nearby

You can find a previous FOI response from Dumfries & Galloway Council here [3] which has the sort of information I am looking for in an ideal format. A spreadsheet format could include either Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx) or Comma Separated Variable (.csv) filetypes.

Thank you for your help.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Alasdair Rutherford


Freedom Of Information, East Ayrshire Council

Thank you for contacting East Ayrshire Council.  This is an automated

response to advise you that your email has been received


If you are making a freedom of information enquiry then your request for

information will be processed and you should receive a response within 20

working days.


If you are making a subject access request then your enquiry will be

processed and you should receive a response within one calendar month.


If your enquiry concerns any other matter, your email will be passed to

relevant section for appropriate action to be taken.


MND Scotland is the leading charity in Scotland providing care and support
to people affected by Motor Neurone Disease (MND), as well as funding
vital research into finding a cure. 

Please consider donating to the Provost’s chosen charity for the next two
years to help people living with Motor Neurone Disease.



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Millar, Blair, East Ayrshire Council

1 Attachment


Dear Alastair


Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002


I refer to your request for information made under the terms of the above
legislation, received by East Ayrshire Council on 10 July 2023


For ease of reference our response is in attached excel file.


I hope that the information supplied is of use to you, however please do
not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance. If you are
dissatisfied with the way in which your request has been dealt with, you
have certain rights, as set out in the attached leaflet.


Yours sincerely


Blair Millar

Head of Housing & Communities


Elizabeth O’Neill

Business Support Administrator to Blair Millar,

Head of Housing & Communities


Tel: 01563 576289 | [mobile number]

E-mail: [1][email address]


East Ayrshire Council | Council Headquarters

London Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 7BU | Tel: 01563 554400














MND Scotland is the leading charity in Scotland providing care and support
to people affected by Motor Neurone Disease (MND), as well as funding
vital research into finding a cure. 

Please consider donating to the Provost’s chosen charity for the next two
years to help people living with Motor Neurone Disease.



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Dear East Ayrshire Council,

That's great, thanks very much for your help.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Rutherford