List of Children's Playparks
Dear South Ayrshire Council,
I am emailing to request a list of council owned/maintained children's playparks within the local authority area. I would be grateful if this list could be supplied in a spreadsheet format, detailing the playpark name; address; and either datazone[1] or cartesian coordinates[2] in which the playpark is situated.
Furthermore, if you hold the information, I would also like an indication for each playpark as to whether it contains any accessible play equipment. Where possible, I would appreciate if this could indicate the type of accessible play equipment present e.g. accessible roundabout; high-back/adaptive swing; wheelchair swing; sensory play equipment.
You can find a previous FOI response from Dumfries & Galloway Council here [3] which has the sort of information I am looking for in an ideal format. A spreadsheet format could include either Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx) or Comma Separated Variable (.csv) filetypes.
Thank you for your help.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Alasdair Rutherford
Kind regards.
FOI Team|Information Governance|Chief Executive’s Office|
[1][email address] | Tel: 01292 612223|South Ayrshire
Council|County Buildings|Wellington Square, Ayr, KA7
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request and now enclose the
Councils response.
FOI Team | Chief Executive’s Office | [1][email address] | 01292
612223 | County Buildings, Wellington Square, Ayr, KA7 1DR |
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