List of charities with turnover between £4million and £10million
Dear Charity Commission for England and Wales,
Could you please send me a list of charities with a turnover between £4m and £10m, be great to get contact details and addresses for these too.
Yours faithfully,
Nicola Butcher
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Dear Ms Butcher
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request received 24 October
You asked for:
“a list of charities with a turnover between £4m and £10m, be great to get
contact details and addresses for these too”
I can confirm that the Commission holds this information and an excel
spreadsheet with a list of charities with a turnover between 4 and 10
million pounds is attached to this email.
If you are dis-satisfied with the outcome of your request we may be able
to review decisions we have made where there is scope for us to do so.
Please contact [email address]
If you remain unhappy with the outcome of your request you can register a
complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office. Their contact
details can be found at [1]
Please let me know if you have any questions in respect of this response.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Whitehurst
W: [2]
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