List of charities with income over £1m
Dear Charity Commission for England and Wales,
Please could you provide me with a list of charities, with their charity number and named person, reporting income over £1m in 2016. The advanced search on the website only provides a list of 500 charities and the search criteria does not allow for segmented search without duplication.
This was previously provided for charity's reporting income greater than £5m in 2014
Yours faithfully,
Yours faithfully,
Ian Thompson
Thank you for submitting your Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the
Charity Commission. We will respond within 20 working days.
If you have used this email address for a query that is not an FOI
request, we will not reply.
Please contact [1]Charity Commission to resubmit general enquiries.
This is an automated email. Please do not reply to this email.
On track to meet your filing deadline? Charities have ten months from
their financial year end to file their Annual Return and Accounts. Find
out more at [2] Remember to file on time and
use our online services.
Consider the environment. Please don't print this e-mail unless you really
need to.
Visible links
Dear Mr Thomson
Please find attached an Excel spreadsheet in response to your below
“Please supply me with a list of charities, with their charity number and
named person, reporting
income over £1m in 2016.”
Please note I have provided this information outside of the Freedom of
information Act 2000.
Please also note the information provided pertains to those charities that
have submitted their 2016 information to the Commission up to the date the
list was produced (4^th July 2017).
As a charity has 10 months from its financial year end to submit its
required documentation if a charity has a financial year end of 31^st
December 2016 the trustees will therefore have until 31^st October 2017 to
provide the required information.
As such this is not a definitive list of all charities who may report
income in excess of 1m for their 2016 return.
I hope this information has been of use.
Yours sincerely
Ms Jan Provost
Jan Provost
W: [1]
[2]Twitter Follow us on Twitter | @ChtyCommission
Dear Business Assurance Data Extract Requests (Queue),
Thank you for your swift response.
The link in which i provided also included address and email details of the charities. Is this possible on the extract provided?
Yours sincerely,
ian thompson
Dear Mr Thompson
Thank you for your further email. Your original request only requested the
information that was provided.
Please find the same listing (again provided outside the provisions of the
Freedom of Information Act) now also containing the contact and email
Yours sincerely
Ms Jan Provost
Jan Provost
W: [1]
[2]Twitter Follow us on Twitter | @ChtyCommission
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