This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'List of all Type 1 Accident & Emergency departments in England'.

1 Trevelyan Square 
Boar Lane 
Leeds LS1 6AE 
0300 303 5678 
04 February 2021 
Our ref: NIC-427215-T9Y5Q 
(Sent via email) 
Dear Sir/Madam,    
Re: Information Request – Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 
Thank you for your email dated 07 January 2021 requesting the following information: 
” Could I please request a list of all NHS Hospitals with a Type 1 Accident and Emergency 
department in England. If this could include the city, trust they are attached to and phone numbers for 
the hospital that would be excellent.” 
We have considered your request and in accordance with S.1 (1) of the Freedom of Information Act 
2000 (FOIA) I can confirm that we do hold the information that you have requested.  
Please see the information requested within the attached csv file.  
Unfortunately, we do not hold phone numbers for the Trusts. 
In line with the Information Commissioner’s directive on the disclosure of information under the 
Freedom of Information Act 2000 your request will form part of our disclosure log. Therefore, a 
version of our response which will protect your anonymity will be posted on the NHS Digital website.  
I trust you are satisfied with our response to your request for information. However, if you are not 
satisfied, you may request a review from a suitably qualified member of staff not involved in the initial 
query, via the  email address or by post at the above postal address.  
If following an internal review, you remain unsatisfied with the way in which we have handled your 
request you are entitled to ask the Information Commissioner to assess whether we have complied 
with our obligations under FOIA by writing to them at the following address:  
Information Commissioner's Office 
Wycliffe House Water Lane 
Cheshire SK9 5AF  
NHS Digital values customer feedback and would appreciate a moment of your time to respond to 
our Freedom of Information (FOI) Survey to let us know about your experience. Please access the 
survey through this link here 

Yours sincerely, 
Information Governance Advisor