Our Ref: IG/TC/561
The Cube
199 Wharfside Street
Birmingham B1 1RN
Jonathan Bull
DX: 720293 BIRMINGHAM 47
By email only:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx 30 June 2021
Dear Mr Bull
Information request – Our Ref: IG/TC/561
I am writing in response to your email of 24 June 2021.
I am handling your request for information under the SRA’s Transparency Code.
You requested the following information:
“I am requesting a list of all active solicitor firms who are currently registered with the
Please include
- Company name
- Trading styles
- Full Address
- Contact email address
- Reserved activities
- Licence number
I look forward to receiving a response to this request in the form of a CSV or Excel
file format.”
We are the regulator of solicitors and law firms in England and Wales.
Solicitors Regulation Authority Limited is a company limited by guarantee.
Our registered offices are: The Cube, 199 Wharfside Street, Birmingham, B1 1RN.
Our company registration number is: 12608059.
Our response:
Please see the Information Sharing page on our website:
SRA | Information sharing | Solicitors Regulation Authority
We offer a Data Sharing API which provides the information you have requested,
subject to Terms and Conditions. We are unable to provide the details you have
requested outside of these Terms and Conditions.
More information on how we handle requests, including a link to a copy of our
Transparency Code, can be found on our website:
Please quote the reference number
IG/TC/561 if you decide to contact us further
regarding this request.
Yours sincerely,
Clare Griffin
Information Governance Officer
Solicitors Regulation Authority
Internal review and complaint process
If you are not satisfied with our response to your request for information, you can
request that the matter is reconsidered as an internal review. To do so please write
to, or email, the Information Compliance and Governance Manager at:
SRA Information Compliance
The Cube
199 Wharfside Street,
Birmingham B1 1RN
Please note that your request for an internal review must be submitted within 60 days
of our decision. We aim to issue a formal response to internal reviews within 20
working days.
Internal review process
The internal review will consider any limitations applied and the information
disclosed. This aspect of the review is final and there is no further avenue for appeal.
It is also important for you to note that, as this is a voluntary code, the Information
Commissioner is unable to consider your complaint.
Escalation to a complaint
If you are still not satisfied with the response that you have received, you can make a
complaint to our Complaints Team about the way we have handled your request.
The complaints team will only be able to review the matters related to our service, for
example our communication and compliance with the deadline.
If you are unhappy with the Complaint's Team decision, you can escalate the matter
further and ask the Independent Reviewer (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution)
to review your complaint. The service is independent to us and they will review how
we handled your complaint, not our decision.