Liquid assets (cash) by ROYAL MAIL GROUP
Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like full information on the following please.............
1. How much liquid assets (cash) does royal mail group have sitting idle in bank accounts? Can you give me a full list of the banks and building societies and tell me how much interest has been made off these assets?
Yours faithfully,
B. Owens
Dear Mr Ovens
Thank you for your request for information received on 23/10/2009, which
we are considering under the Freedom of Information Act. Under the Act
you should expect a reply from us to be sent by 20/11/2009, which is
twenty working days from receipt of your request.
If for any reason we are unable to provide you with a full response within
that time, we will contact you explaining the reasons for this and giving
a revised date by which we will reply.
If in the mean time you have any questions or would like to contact us
about your request, please contact us by telephone 01252 806513 or
alternatively email or write to us at the address below. Please be
assured that we are giving this our attention and will get back to you
Yours sincerely
John Cere
[1][Royal Mail Group request email]
Freedom of Information Unit
Royal Mail is a trading name of Royal Mail Group Ltd. Registered in
England and Wales.
Registered number 4138203. Registered office at 100 Victoria Embankment,
Visible links
1. mailto:[Royal Mail Group request email]
Dear Sir or Madam,
i am writing to remind you that you have not responded to my freedom of information request, you are now breaking the law in doing so, can i have my response please?
Yours faithfully,
b ovens
Dear Sir or Madam,
i have still not received a response to my question.
Yours faithfully,
b ovens
Dear Mr Ovens
Please find attached a response to your request for information from Royal
Mail Group. I apologise for the length of time taken to respond to your
request and for any inconvenience this delay may have caused.
(See attached file: Ovens Nov 26 2009.doc)
Yours sincerely
Colin Young
Freedom of Information Manager
[Royal Mail Group request email]
Royal Mail is a trading name of Royal Mail Group Ltd. Registered in England
and Wales.
Registered number 4138203. Registered office at 100 Victoria Embankment,
Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you for your response but i cant seem to access the information, i would be gratful if you could sent it or at least send attachments of the information i am requiring.
Yours faithfully,
B Ovens
Dear Mr Ovens
Please find attached a response to your request for information from Royal
Mail Group.
Yours sincerely
John Cere
Freedom of Information Case Officer
[Royal Mail Group request email]
Royal Mail is a trading name of Royal Mail Group Ltd. Registered in
England and Wales.
Registered number 4138203. Registered office at 100 Victoria Embankment,
brian ovens
<[FOI #21676 email]> To:
Sent by: brian ovens [Royal Mail Group request email]
<[FOI #21676 email]> cc:
Subject: Re:
26/11/2009 20:13 Freedom of Information
request - Liquid assets
Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you for your response but i cant seem to access the
information, i would be gratful if you could sent it or at least
send attachments of the information i am requiring.
Yours faithfully,
B Ovens
Dear Sir or Madam,
thanks for your help but i still cant access the files, can you send me the attachments for these sections please?
Yours faithfully,
brian ovens
Dear Sir or Madam,
just an update on trying to access the link you gave me, well it does not work. can you send the correct files or information so i can access it, thanks.
Yours faithfully,
b ovens
Dear Mr Ovens
Re: Freedom of Information Request
I am writing in response to your further email of 27^th November 2009,
concerning access to Royal Mail Group***s Annual Report and Accounts.
Royal Mail publishes its Annual Report and Accounts which can be found at
[1] or by following the link below:
However, as you are continuing to experience difficulties in accessing
this document via either of the web links I have attached a pdf copy of
the Annual Report and Accounts.
If you have any queries or wish to request further information please
email at the following address [3][Royal Mail Group request email]
Yours Sincerely
John Cere
Freedom of Information Case Officer
[Royal Mail Group request email]
Visible links
3. mailto:[Royal Mail Group request email]
Dear Royal Mail Group,
thanks for the reply but i still can see anything about liquid assets, can you point it out where i can find the info on liquid assets? i took one hour to read through it and found nothing.
Yours faithfully,
brian ovens
Dear Mr Ovens
As mentioned in my previous reply, the information you requested is listed
in the Group balance sheet (Page 47) and in more detail at note 25 (Page
82) Financial instruments.
In relation to the interest earned on the total cash sum, the total amount
earned on all group financial assets is also set out in the accounts at
note 8 (Page 65) Net finance income (excluding net pensions interest).
Interest on cash and investments with banks and building societies
balances amounted to **12m for the year and is included within "Interest
received on loans and receivables financial assets".
If you have any queries or wish to request further information please
email at the following address [1][Royal Mail Group request email]
Yours Sincerely
John Cere
Freedom of Information Case Officer
brian ovens
<[FOI #21676 email]> To:
Sent by: brian ovens [Royal Mail Group request email]
<[FOI #21676 email]> cc:
Subject: Re:
04/12/2009 19:51 Freedom of Information
request - Liquid assets
Dear Royal Mail Group,
thanks for the reply but i still can see anything about liquid
assets, can you point it out where i can find the info on liquid
assets? i took one hour to read through it and found nothing.
Yours faithfully,
brian ovens
Dear Royal Mail Group,
thanks for your reply but i honestly cant make head nor tail of it. all i asked was how much liquid assets do you have sitting idle and what banks it is sitting. i just want this answered and nothing more.
Yours faithfully,
brian ovens
Dear Mr Ovens
As we have explained, the amount of cash and investments held by Royal
Mail Group is set out in our annual report and accounts. The amount of
cash and cash equivalents held is shown as **1,060m - this is shown on
page 47 in the Group balance sheet and, in more detail at note 25 to the
accounts on page 82. Anyone can view the reports and accounts at or by using the following link:
We believe that we have provided you with the information which you
requested. However, if you are not satisfied with our response you do
have the right to ask for an internal review - whereby an internal panel
will review your request and our response to it. If you wish to request
an internal review please write to The Head of Information Compliance,
Royal Mail Group, Company Secretary's Office, 100 Victoria Embankment,
If following an internal review, you are still not satisfied with our
response you also have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner
Information Commissioner***s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 01625 545 700
Yours Sincerely
John Cere
Freedom of Information Case Officer
[Royal Mail Group request email]
Royal Mail is a trading name of Royal Mail Group Ltd. Registered in
England and Wales.
Registered number 4138203. Registered office at 100 Victoria Embankment,
brian ovens
<[FOI #21676 email]> To:
Sent by: brian ovens [Royal Mail Group request email]
<[FOI #21676 email]> cc:
Subject: Re:
07/12/2009 16:42 Freedom of Information
request - Liquid assets
Dear Royal Mail Group,
thanks for your reply but i honestly cant make head nor tail of it.
all i asked was how much liquid assets do you have sitting idle and
what banks it is sitting. i just want this answered and nothing
Yours faithfully,
brian ovens
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