Linda Clark, guardian ad litem, social worker
Dear Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service,
Could you please tell me for which employer this lady worked prior to joining the Cafcass South East region, whether she has been employed by a county council in the past and which positions were held?
What type of training in child protection and domestic abuse did Ms Clark receive and which body provided this training for how long and how long ago?
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
C. Smith-Byrne
Please find attached a response to your request
Miss Jasvinder Jassal
Information Assurance & Data Handling Officer
6th Floor
Sanctuary Buildings
Great Smith Street
Email: [1][email address]
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Dear Jassal, Jasvinder - Cafcass,
Would you please proceed to answering my first question without any further delay. The question asks specifically about this lady's previous posts and not other employees. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
C. Smith-Byrne
I am currently out of the office until 7th September 2010
Please note:
If you are making a Freedom of Information request or require any Subject
Access Request assistance I will respond to you on my return to the
If you have any urgent matter contact National Office 0844 353 3350
Miss Jasvinder Jassal
Information Assurance & Data Handling Officer
6th Floor
Sanctuary Buildings
Great Smith Street
Email: [email address]
Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or
recorded for legal purposes.
Dear Ms Smith-Byrne
Thank you for your email - I have received your request and will respond shortly.
Miss Jasvinder Jassal
Dear C. Smith-Byrne
Please find an attached a response to your request CAF379
Regards Miss Jassal
Dear Jassal, Jasvinder - Cafcass,
You are overdue with your response once again. What, in your eyes, constitutes "shortly"? Are your superiors aware that you do not do the work you are paid for from the public purse?
I look forward to hearing your latest excuses.
Yours sincerely,
C. Smith-Byrne
Dear Jassal, Jasvinder - Cafcass,
Apologies for the above response following an email alert that you had not answered the FOI request within the timeframe set by the law.
It is evident that Cafcass not only employs some of the least competent social workers on the market (which has been widely reported in the media, anyone with expertise and conscience refuses to work there), but they are protected from scrutiny to an extent unknown in the private sector.
Your organisation sends worryingly poorly performing workers into private homes to deal with children - and when asked, they become stroppy and refuse to give any information about their background at all. Alarm bells?
Yours sincerely,
C. Smith-Byrne
Dear C. Smith Byrne
The attached was emailed to you on 5th October.
I note your email has 'internal review' in its subject heading - do clarify if you would like an internal review to be carried out.
Miss Jasvinder Jassal
Information Assurance & Data Handling Officer
Dear C. Smith-Byrne
Please find attached an acknowledgement of your request for an internal review.
Miss Jasvinder Jassal
Information Assurance & Data Handling Officer
C. Smith-Byrne left an annotation ()
Daily Mail 11/11/10 by Steve Doughty (Social Affairs Correspondent)
"The organisation of social workers that is supposed to stand up for the most troubled children has instead brought chaos to the family courts, MPs said yesterday.
Its staff do not do their jobs, its managers are weak and it has failed to cope with the crisis that swept the state child protection system after the Baby P scandal, they added. A report from the Public Accounts Committee watchdog said the £131 million-a-year Children and Family Court Advisory Service is 'not fit for purpose' and that its incompetence harms the hundreds of thousands of children who need its help.
The MPs' report said that after the Baby P case in November 2008 - in which 17-month-old Peter Donnelly's mother and two men were jailed over his death - social workers started taking more children into care.
But committee chairman, former Labour minister Margaret Hodge, said the group had a 'lack of readiness' due to 'failure to get to grips with ... weaknesses in its culture, management and performance'.
Cafcass chief executive Anthony Douglas rejected the claims. The quango was set up in 2001 during children's services reforms."
Dear Mr/Mrs C. Smith Byrne
Please find attached a response to your resent request for an internal review.
Miss Jassal.
The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:
CAF379 - FoI review November 2010
IR CAF379 November 2010
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LS Palmer (Account suspended) left an annotation ()
Download a real life case study on how children are kinapped by CAFCASS through the secret family courts.
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[Name Removed] (Account suspended) left an annotation ()
the good old ...
Cafcass is unable to provide you with this
information, the information is exempt under section 40(2). The refusal is on the basis that it
constitutes the personal data of the practitioners
They appear to work with impunity