Information Governance
Policy Performance and Scrutiny
Ms Noemi Ceapa
Our ref: FOI/ E33495
Ask for: Information Governance
Date: 21/10/2019
Tel: 020 8430 2000
Dear Ms Ceapa,
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Request for Information: Information Provided
Subject: Licenced HMOs
We write with regard to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council under the
provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. We trust that the information provided is
It is important to note that under the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive)
Regulations 2003 the Council asks not to receive unsolicited marketing communication.
Please can you provide me with the following information under the Freedom Of Information
Act :-
(a) addresses of all Registered HMO properties that are within your councils area; and
(b) the maximum number of occupants that each property referred to in (a) is licensed to hold
(b) the last actual registered number of occupants that each property referred to in (a) holds
(c) the date each of the properties in (a) was first registered as HMO
(d) the names of the owners/licence holders of those properties referred to in (a) and their
contact addresses
We do not centrally record all of the information you have requested.
Much of the information you have requested is already publically available and can be
independently sourced from the Local Authority’s electronic online Property Licensing
For your reference, please see the relevant web link below.
People at the Heart of
Everything We Do
applications/ By accessing the Licensing portal;
Select - Advanced search option
Select - Licences
Select - Application Reference and enter "HMO"
To avoid too many returns this can be completed by ward or time-frame or street/address.
It should be noted that the HMO register provides the name and correspondence address of
the licence holder, which is not always the same as the property owner.
This register includes the addresses and postcodes for all HMO licensed properties in the
borough. You may search by address of individual properties, or by entering wards or the
relevant postcode in the search options. The recovery of these entries will enable you to
compile the information you require.
We do not hold or report the complete live and up to date HMO register, or alternatively hold
numbers and details on a particular ‘as of’ date in any other format or with any additional
information requested in a reportable format.
There is no charge for using the online register however if you require information outside of
this format this, it would be charged at per record provided.
Should you require any further information please see the web link below: If you require any further information or are not happy with our response please do not
hesitate to contact a member of our team on (020) 8430 2000 or email us at Yours sincerely,
Information Governance
Newham Council
People at the Heart of
Everything We Do