Licence holder request

The request was successful.

Dear Council,

Can you please supply me with a list of all HMO's in the borough (licenced or otherwise) including the registered address of the licence holder and their name and the number of rooms in each of the HMO's

If you also have a list of properties not requiring a licence but still used as an HMO please also include the owners registered address.

Finally, if you work with any private landlords who have multiple property portfolios please supply their contact address so that I may enquire to purchase the portfolio

Yours faithfully,


EHDC - Info Shared, East Hampshire District Council

Dear Whatdotheyknow

Please DO NOT reply to this email as it was sent from an unattended mailbox

Request for information received on 17/09/2017 15:30.

Reference number FOI-001663

Your request is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and/or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and will be answered within 20 working days of receipt of the information request.

For more information about how we deal with Freedom of Information and/or Environmental Information Regulation requests, go to:<>

Your request details:

Sam Ings, East Hampshire District Council


thank you for your FOI request.

I am afraid there are no licensed HMOs in the East Hants District. Additionally we do not hold a list of non licensable HMOs, so we are unable to provide this information.


Sam Ings

Private Sector Housing Manager

East Hampshire District Council, Penns Place Petersfield, GU31 4EX

Havant Borough Council, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, PO9 2AX

Telephone: 01730 234334

[mobile number]

Email: [email address]<mailto:[email address]><><><><><><>

If you are requesting information from East Hampshire District Council under the Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations, you can submit and track your request online through a My East Hampshire District Council account. Go to to get started.

If you would prefer not to set up an account or are making a query under the Data Protection Act, please email [email address]<mailto:[email address]>

Any statutory timeframe for a response will not commence until the request is received by the council through a My East Hampshire District Council account or the [email address]<mailto:[email address]> email address.

If you are requesting information from Havant Borough Council under the Freedom of Information Act, Environmental Information Regulations or Data Protection Act then please re-direct your email to [email address]<mailto:[email address]>

Any statutory timeframe for a response will not commence until the request is received by the Customer Services Team.

Information in this message is confidential and may be privileged. It is intended solely for the person to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete the message from your system immediately.

EHDC - Info Shared, East Hampshire District Council

Dear Whatdotheyknow

Please DO NOT reply to this email as it was sent from an unattended mailbox

This is an automatic notification that your FOI/EIR Request FOI-001663 has now been marked as resolved. You should receive a separate email with specific details.

If you do not receive this information within 24 hours and you have checked your junk email folder, please contact the council at:

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Remembering to quote the reference number if you contact us about the request.

East Hampshire District Council