Liaison between Police, Council, other bodies regarding action over protests

The request was successful.

Dear London School of Economics,

I am requesting to view the communications/actions lodged with the Metropolitan Police, and/or Westminster Council, and/or other authorities regarding the recent protests related to the ongoing cleaners' dispute with the LSE and Noonan.

I request this information, for the School stated in a school-wide update (11th May, and more recently) that "Police have been in attendance and the School has contacted Westminster City Council regarding noise pollution".

Yours faithfully,

Josh Hardman

GLPD.Info.Rights, London School of Economics

Dear Josh,
With reference to your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act, I am writing to inform you that your request has been
refused for the following reasons.
While it is the School’s policy to respond as fully as possible to
requests for information, it is not always able to do so. All refusals
must be justified by reference to an exemption from the obligation to
disclose the information specified in the FoI legislation. In this
instance, the exemption in Section 36 of the Freedom of Information Act
relating to prejudice to the effective conduct of public affairs has been
applied. We have used this exemption because protests are continuing, in
spite of the School's offer regarding the cleaners, and the School does
not want to prejudice relations with the Metropolitan Police regarding
management of these protests. In communications with Westminster Council,
they were clear that this was a Police matter.
Section 36 is subject to the public interest test, however, in applying
the test we considered that the public interest in transparency relating
to discussion with the Metropolitan Police was outweighed by the need to
manage protests around the School's campus effectively.
However, should you wish to appeal the decision, put your appeal in
writing to Kevin Haynes, Head of Legal Team,  Governance, Legal and Policy
Division, London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton
Street, London, WC2A 2AE. We will then review the response to your request
and get back to you within 20 working days. You can also contact the
Information Commissioner's Office [1], though they
expect the internal review to be carried out before receiving a complaint
Rachael Maguire
Records Manager
London School of Economics

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Dear London School of Economics,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of London School of Economics's handling of my FOI request 'Liaison between Police, Council, other bodies regarding action over protests'.

It was stated that the information is exempted under Section 36 of the Freedom of Information Act, and that this is relevant because "protests are continuing, in spite of the School's offer regarding the cleaners, and the School does not want to prejudice relations with the Metropolitan Police regarding management of these protests."

However, as far as I am aware this is untrue, as an agreement was reached in which the cleaners would be in-sourced. Thus, the protests have ceased, and the reasoning for applying Section 36 exemption ceases to be relevant.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Josh Hardman

Hoggard,R, London School of Economics

Dear Mr Hardman,

I'm afraid we've had some overlapping unforeseen staff absences so I apologise for the delay in confirming receipt of your request for an internal review below. I shall be conducting the review.

Best regards,

Robin Hoggard
Governance, Legal and Policy Division (GLPD)
(becoming from 1 Aug 2017: Head, Risk and Compliance Unit)
The London School of Economics and Political Science
Houghton Street | London | WC2A 2AE

t: 44 (0) 20 7955 7061
mobile: 44 (0)7912 774 682
e: [email address]

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Hoggard,R, London School of Economics

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    RE Demonstrations at LSE.html

    3K Download

Dear Mr Hardman,

I have now completed the review. Almost all communications in the context stated between the School and the police or local authorities appear to have been telephone conversations, or in the case of the police, face to face on the spot. Accordingly, we only hold a single item of the information you request. I attach it, as I see no reason for us to withhold it. Indeed, with hindsight, I judge that the decision to withhold it at the time of your original request was perhaps a little over-cautious. I do not judge that release, then or now, would prejudice the conduct of public affairs.

Best regards,

Robin Hoggard
Governance, Legal and Policy Division (GLPD)
(becoming from 1 Aug 2017: Head, Risk and Compliance Unit)
The London School of Economics and Political Science
Houghton Street | London | WC2A 2AE

t: 44 (0) 20 7955 7061
mobile: 44 (0)7912 774 682
e: [email address]

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