LGBT issues in education

The request was successful.

Matthew Davidson

Dear South Ayrshire Council,

(1) Please could you indicate the number of homophobic incidents targeted at pupils, reported in each of your schools (listed individually by name and number) that were reported in the 2016 - 2017 academic year?

(2) Please could you indicate the number of homophobic incidents targeted at staff, reported in each of your schools (listed individually by name and number) that were reported in the 2016 - 2017 academic year?

(3) Please indicate which of your schools have received staff training on dealing with LGBT issues and from whom (e.g. from a specific external organisation or the council).

(4) Please list which schools have either achieved Bronze, Silver or Gold, or are registered with LGBT Youth Scotland's School Charter Mark.

(5) For clarity and to put the above into perspective, please indicate the total number of schools in your council.

Yours faithfully,

Matthew Davidson

FOI,, South Ayrshire Council

1 Attachment

Kind regards.


FOI Team | Information Governance | Resources, Governance and Organisation
| [1][South Ayrshire Council request email] | Direct Line: 01292 612223 | South
Ayrshire Council | County Buildings | Wellington Square | Ayr, KA7 1DR |


show quoted sections

FOI,, South Ayrshire Council

1 Attachment

I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request and now enclose the
Councils response.




FOI Team |Democratic and Governance | Resources, Governance and
Organisation | [1][email address] | 01292 612223 | County
Buildings | Wellington Square | Ayr | KA7 1DR |


show quoted sections

FOI,, South Ayrshire Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Davidson


Please find attached the response to your recent Freedom of Information
request to South Ayrshire Council, which was given the above reference


Kind Regards


FOI Team| Information Governance | Resources, Governance and Organisation
Directorate | [1][South Ayrshire Council request email] | 01292 612223 | County
Buildings | Wellington Square | AYR | KA7 1DR |
[2] |




From: FOI,
Sent: 12 July 2017 14:48
To: [email address]
Cc: Communications
Subject: FOI/2017/7444


I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request and now enclose the
Councils response.




FOI Team |Democratic and Governance | Resources, Governance and
Organisation | [3][email address] | 01292 612223 | County
Buildings | Wellington Square | Ayr | KA7 1DR |