Lfb Cobra
Dear London Fire Commissioner (London Fire Brigade),
Please can I have information about your Cobra Cold cutting vehicle including how much it cost
London Fire Brigade Mercedes Van CC 001...SF66 XYH
Yours faithfully,
ricky Cunningham
Dear Ricky,
Thank you for your request for information about the London Fire Brigade.
I note that this request is part of a wider set.
To be sure that your requests don’t fall within the definition of a
vexatious request, I require you to provide details of your true identity
(Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 8(1)(b)). Therefore can you
please provide a copy of either your passport, driving licence or another
official document with your name.
Your request(s) will be suspended until such time as proof of identity are
Tavell Carter
Information Access
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street London SE1 0LL
T 020 8555 1200 x 30314
E [1][email address]
If you think that this e-mail might not be intended for you please delete
it immediately and contact me.
London Fire Brigade
For advice about how to stay safe from fire and other emergencies, please
go to [6]london-fire.gov.uk/Safety
The information in this email may contain confidential or privileged
materials. Please read the full email disclaimer notice at
The Brigade is committed to using personal data in a responsible and
transparent way. To find out more visit [8]london-fire.gov.uk/privacy
Dear Ricky,
Thank you for your email received on 26 January 2020 in relation to the
LFB Cobra cold cutting vehicle. Please do accept my apologies for the
delay in response.
This vehicle carries a cold cutting lance unit (a fire extinguishing
technique that combines abrasive waterjet cutting with water spray
Please note, details of Fleet contracts are available online as the Local
Government Transparency Code 2015 requires the publication of the details
of every contract, commissioned activity (including external consultants),
purchase order, framework agreement and any other legally enforceable
agreement with a value that exceeds £5,000. The LFB contracts and tender
process are updated quarterly and are published on the London Data Store:
Whilst I can confirm the LFB hold the details of the cost of this specific
vehicle, we currently consider this information commercially sensitive
under section 43 of the FOIA and therefore exempt from release. Section
43 requires that we consider whether there is a public interest in
disclosing the withheld materials, but we are of the view that the public
interest is best served by the Authority being able to secure the best
terms and prices for its contracts, which means keeping the financial
details of specific vehicle cost agreements confidential.
I hope you find the information we have been able to provide of use and
trust you understand our position in relation to the exemption used.
Should you have any further questions please do let me know.
This request has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act
2000. If you are dissatisfied by this response you can request an
internal review by writing to the Head of Information Management at the
address below (or email [2][email address]).
Further information about your information rights (including how to raise
a concern or make a complaint) is available from the Information
Commissioner’s Office on their website at www.ico.org.uk or by writing to
them at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Kind regards,
Zoe Hughes
Information Access
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street London SE1 0LL
T 020 8555 1200 x31075
E [3][email address]
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SF66 XYH CC 001 SOG Mercedes Benz Sprinter Panel Van N1 2016 4 Years