Levelling Up Fund 2 bid submissions

The request was refused by Bath and North East Somerset Council.

Dear Bath and North East Somerset Council,
Please provide a copy of all documentation for all Levelling Up Fund 2 submissions submitted to the LUF2 bid process covering the constituencies of Bath and North East Somerset.

If West of England Combined Authority submitted a LUF2 submission on the council's behalf, please provide the submission documentation set for that as well.

Yours faithfully,

Adam Reynolds

Dear Bath and North East Somerset Council,

Where are we this this as you should have responded by the 21 Feb 2023

Yours faithfully,

Adam Reynolds

Information Governance, Bath and North East Somerset Council

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Reynolds,


Thank you for your request for an internal review, a copy of which is
enclosed below. Your review request is currently being considered by Jeff
Wring – Service Director – Commercial and Governance.


We aim to respond to any internal review request within 20 working days. 
Accordingly you will receive the full response from Mr Wring in due


Yours sincerely,


Information Governance Team
One West
Bath & North East Somerset Council  
Email: [1][Bath and North East Somerset Council request email] 


show quoted sections

Information Governance, Bath and North East Somerset Council

10 Attachments

Dear Mr Reynolds,


Please see enclosed response to your FOIA/EIR request, please accept our
apologies for the delay in sending.


Due to the file-size of the complete response it has been necessary to
split and send across the course of three separate emails.


We trust that we have answered your queries, however if you have any
further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


If you are unhappy with the response to your request, you may ask for an
internal review within 40 working days of receipt of this response. Please
contact Jeff Wring - Service Director - Commercial and Governance, at
Lewis House, Manvers St, Bath BA1 1JG or by email to:
[1][email address].


If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to appeal directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at Wycliffe House,
Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. [2]www.ico.org.uk


Please refer to the disclaimer regarding reuse which can be found on the
Council website at:



Yours sincerely,


Information Governance Team
One West
Bath & North East Somerset Council  
Email: [4][Bath and North East Somerset Council request email] 


show quoted sections

Information Governance, Bath and North East Somerset Council

9 Attachments

Dear Mr Reynolds,


Further to our previous email, please find enclosed part 2 of 3 of the


Yours sincerely,


Information Governance Team
One West
Bath & North East Somerset Council  
Email: [1][Bath and North East Somerset Council request email] 


show quoted sections

Information Governance, Bath and North East Somerset Council

11 Attachments

Dear Mr Reynolds,


Further to our previous emails, please find enclosed part 3 of 3 of the
response. This now concludes the response to your request.


Yours sincerely,


Information Governance Team
One West
Bath & North East Somerset Council  
Email: [1][Bath and North East Somerset Council request email] 


show quoted sections

Dear Information Governance,
My understanding is that Bath and North East Somerset council submitted TWO Levelling Up bids, one being the Fashion Museum and one being an Active Travel scheme.

Am I correct? If so why was only one included here?

Yours sincerely,

Adam Reynolds

Information Governance, Bath and North East Somerset Council

Dear Mr Reynolds,
Thank you for your email dated 3rd April a copy of which is below. We apologise for the delay in our response and can confirm that we anticipate that we will be in a position to respond to the second part of your request early next week.
Yours sincerely

Information Governance Team –
One West
Bath & North East Somerset Council
Email: [Bath and North East Somerset Council request email]

show quoted sections

Information Governance, Bath and North East Somerset Council

5 Attachments

Dear Mr Reynolds,


Please see enclosed response to your FOIA/EIR request, please accept our
apologies for the delay in sending.


We trust that we have answered your queries, however if you have any
further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


We note that you requested an Internal Review.  If after receipt of this
response you still wish us to pursue an Internal Review, please contact
Jeff Wring - Service Director - Commercial and Governance, at Lewis House,
Manvers St, Bath BA1 1JG or by email to: [1][email address].


If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to appeal directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at Wycliffe House,
Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. [2]www.ico.org.uk


Please refer to the disclaimer regarding reuse which can be found on the
Council website at:



Yours sincerely,


Information Governance Team
One West
Bath & North East Somerset Council
Email: [4][Bath and North East Somerset Council request email] 


show quoted sections


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.ico.org.uk/
3. http://www.bathnes.gov.uk/services/your-...
4. mailto:[Bath and North East Somerset Council request email]
5. http://www.bathnes.gov.uk/
6. http://www.twitter.com/bathnes