Letter from DTI Secretary of State to the Post Office Chair, May 1999

Post Office Limited did not have the information requested.

Dear Post Office Limited,

According to the July 1999 document ‘Accounting, Funding and Tax Implications of the 24 May 1999 Horizon Agreement’ archived at the Postal Museum, a letter was sent from DTI Secretary of State, Stephen Byers, to the Post Office Chair on 23 May 1999 with details of funding arrangements for the Horizon project.

I would be most grateful if you would disclose this letter.

Yours sincerely,
Eleanor Shaikh

Information Rights Team, Post Office Limited

Our ref: FOI2021/01010

Dear Ms Shaikh,

Thank you for your request for information which was received on 24th
November. Your request is being considered under the terms of the Freedom
of Information Act 2000.

The Act requires that a response must be given promptly, and in any event
within 20 working days. We will therefore reply at the latest by 23rd

Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future

Yours sincerely,

Jackie Lawrence

Information Rights Team

Finsbury Dials, 20 Finsbury Street

London, EC2Y 9AQ

Information Rights Team, Post Office Limited

1 Attachment

Dear Eleanor Shaikh,

Please find attached the response relating to your Freedom of Information


David Sinclair

Information Rights Team

Ground Floor

Finsbury Dials

20 Finsbury Street
