Ealing Council
Ealing Council
Freedom of Information
3rd Floor, North East
Perceval House
Ealing Independents
14-16 Uxbridge Road
London W5 2HL
Tel: (020) 8825 5000
Your ref:
Our ref:
0208 825 8367
15th March 2022
Dear Ealing Independents,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request received by the Council on 24th January 2022.
Your request:
Please provide the following information about Let’s Go Southall
1. How many staff are employed?
• 7 staff
• 20 x part-time
2. What are the designations and salaries?
Direct Staff
• Programme and Events Administrator £30,585
• Health Partnership Officer £44,790
Agency Staff – All in Costs
• Head of transformation £70,600
• Head of delivery £70,600
• 2 campaign managers – Total 1.4 FTE pro-rata £46,000
• Activity co-ordinator 0.6 FTE £42,000
• Super organisers work up to 9hrs per week @£18 per hour
3. How many volunteers are involved in the project?
Approximately 84.
4. What are the designations of volunteers?
5. What communication channels are used to promote the project?
Ealing Council newsletters / magazine (Around Ealing) and Ealing Council communication
channels, Let’s Go Southall social media channels (including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram),
Let’s Go Southal website, Social Movement (word of mouth, face to face), further
communication via CVS groups, faith, schools and health settings plus direct marketing including
banners, leaflets and posters. WhatsApp used internally by teams to promote classes.
6. Is there a specific age range target for the project?
7. What was the start date for the project?
1st June 2018.
8. What is the completion date?
31st March 2025.
9. How many bikes funded by the project have been provided for participants from
commencement to the FOI request date?
10. How many bikes will be funded by the end of the project?
11. What is the total funding for the project from commencement to the end date?
Successfully bid for four Sport England Local Delivery Pilot awards totaling up to £5.4m that can
be drawn down against funding conditions; including:
Development Award 2017-2021 £1.1m.
Pathfinder Award 2019 - Mar 2021 £0.9m.
Core Capacity Award Apr 21 – Mar 2023 £1.1m.
Accelerator Award Apr 21 – mid 2023, £2.3m.
12. Who are the supporters and what is their role in the project?
Please refer to
About us - Let's Go Southall (letsgosouthall.org.uk). The organisations listed were
involved in workshops to inform the bid submitted to Sport England.
13. On what date did Berkeley Group cease being a supporter?
Please note that this information may be subject to copyright. Supply of the information to you does not confer an automatic
right to re-use it in a way that could infringe copyright.
July 2021
14. What tools are used to measure the effectiveness of the project against determined
outcome targets?
Each Local Delivery Pilot (LDP) is required to commission a local evaluation and insight partner.
Sport England has commissioned a national evaluation partner for all 12 LDP’s across England
throughout the lifespan of the programme.
15. What activities have been provided to date?
• A collection of free on-line classes and outdoor activities
• Daily free cycling activities (opportunities to learn and practice bike skills as well as led
bike rides).
• Pedal for Good cycling challenges
• CVS sector summer outdoor activities programme that including kayaking on the canal.
Southall Parkrun
• Monthly Dr Bike free repair events
• Online classes include Mental Health focused sessions such as Let’s Talk and Meditation
• Nutrition drop-in sessions and workshops – included visits to local allotments and garden
• Bike maintenance and the building of bikes activity
• Open sessions on the Great Outdoor Gym in Southall Park
• Women and men only sessions for a range of outdoor activities
Please note that this information may be subject to copyright. Supply of the information to you does not confer an automatic
right to re-use it in a way that could infringe copyright.
Please note that this information may be subject to copyright. Supply of the information to you does not confer an automatic
right to re-use it in a way that could infringe copyright.
Please provide:
1. All audited accounts
The accounts do not require auditing. During each financial year Ealing Council submits a Budget
Forecast and Cost Reconciliation Form to Sport England.
2. All reports on the project prepared for Ealing Council and Sport England
Please see documents attached.
3. The bid documents provided to Sport England.
These are confidential in terms of the IPR held by Sport England so that they can re-use the
learning and insight for national benefit and not for commercial use.
We have not provided this information as this is commercially sensitive.
Section 43 (2) of the FOIA provides an exemption from disclosure of information which would
or would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of any person, including the Council.
The ICO defines ‘commercial interest’ as “a person’s ability to participate competitively in a
commercial activity i.e. the purchase and sale of goods or services.”
We feel the information is commercially sensitive and would have a detrimental impact on the
Council’s commercial activity if disclosed due to the council having negotiated special rates
with the Providers for individual cases.
The Council is transparent with our accounts and spend. We publish total contract values and
spend over £250. However, providing specific bid information is highly sensitive. If we
disclosed this information competitors would know how much other providers were bidding and
this would give them an unfair advantage in future tendering opportunities. It would also put the
Council at a disadvantage as potential bidders would know what the Council currently pays.
This would limit the drive to be as competitive as possible.
We are satisfied that the information is commercial in nature and that disclosure would be likely
to prejudice the tendering exercise for these contracts. Therefore, the disputed information falls
within the scope of the exemption.
4. The results of completed participant satisfaction surveys.
We had planned to rerun our baseline survey used at the start of the project but due to the covid
pandemic activity patterns have drastically changed. We are working with our local evaluation
partner Brunel University to contact local interviews and collect a current snapshot of
participation and satisfaction better geared towards our social movement approach.
Please see qualitative data provided.
5. Job descriptions and person specifications for paid posts.
Please note that this information may be subject to copyright. Supply of the information to you does not confer an automatic
right to re-use it in a way that could infringe copyright.
Please see attached.
6. The post advertisement and selection methods.
• Programme and Events Administrator – In accordance with Ealing Council recruitment
and selection guidance (attached)
• Health Partnership Officer In accordance with Ealing Council recruitment and selection
• Head of transformation, Head of delivery, campaign managers and activity coordinator
were recruited by the Leadership Centre
7. A breakdown of activities from commencement of the project to the FOI request date:
See Q15.
total number participating in each activity
Planned activities commenced in March 2020 and continue to run to date. Over this 22 month
period the estimated attendance to all activities is 30,451.
Section 12: Exceeds the appropriate limit
In accordance with section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we are not obliged to
comply with your request as the process of identifying, locating, retrieving and, where
appropriate, extracting the information would exceed the 'appropriate limit' as defined by the
Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004.
This is currently £450 or 18 hours work.
We estimate that to identify and record the information requested would take a significant
amount of resource and would exceed 18 hours work.
The manner in which the Council holds this information means that there is no way in which we
can readily extract the requested information automatically and thus the only way to identify
this would be to manually examine each electronic file.
In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 this letter acts as a Refusal Notice for
this part of your request.
This information is not available for all activities listed.
This information is not available for all activities listed.
employment status
Please note that this information may be subject to copyright. Supply of the information to you does not confer an automatic
right to re-use it in a way that could infringe copyright.
This information is not available.
pre-existing health conditions
This information is not available for all activities listed.
Planned activities commenced in March 2020 and continue to run to date. Over this 22 month
period the estimated attendance to all activities is 30,451.
Section 12: Exceeds the appropriate limit
In accordance with section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we are not obliged to
comply with your request as the process of identifying, locating, retrieving and, where
appropriate, extracting the information would exceed the 'appropriate limit' as defined by the
Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004.
This is currently £450 or 18 hours work.
We estimate that to identify and record the information requested would take a significant
amount of resource and would exceed 18 hours work.
The manner in which the Council holds this information means that there is no way in which we
can readily extract the requested information automatically and thus the only way to identify
this would be to manually examine each electronic file.
In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 this letter acts as a Refusal Notice for
this part of your request.
the number of repeat participants
This information is not available for all activities listed however; planned activities commenced
in March 2020 and continue to run to date. Over this 22 month period the estimated repeat
attendance to all activities is 1,097.
You are free to use this information for your own use, including for non-commercial research
purposes. It may also be used for the purposes of news reporting. Any other type of re-use, for
example publishing the information, issuing copies to the public or marketing, will require our
permission as copyright holder. If you intend to re-use this information in this manner you must apply
to us.
If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you can request a
review within the next 40 working days by writing to the Information Governance Team at:
xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxx.xx. Or by post to:
Freedom of Information
3rd Floor, North East
Please note that this information may be subject to copyright. Supply of the information to you does not confer an automatic
right to re-use it in a way that could infringe copyright.
Perceval House
14-16 Uxbridge Road
London W5 2HL
Details of complaints process can be found at:
http://www.ealing.gov.uk/info/200640/freedom_of_information/1550/making_a_complaint_or_appeal If, having exhausted our review procedure, you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or
complaint, you will have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:
The Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire, SK9 5AF
www.ico.org.uk Yours sincerely,
Kam Ubhi
Information Governance Officer
Please note that this information may be subject to copyright. Supply of the information to you does not confer an automatic
right to re-use it in a way that could infringe copyright.