Legal Team Structure
Dear Postal Services Commission,
Please can you supply me with a copy of your Legal Team Structure Chart and indicate which positions if any are held by temporary or contract staff
Yours faithfully,
Sarah Fuller
Dear Ms Fuller
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request about the
structure of our legal team.
Our workforce is made up of permanent, contract and temporary staff.
Having contract and temporary positions allows us to manage our resourcing
in the most efficient way possible – matching the work that we are doing
with the number of staff we have. In this way we are flexible to the
needs of the business; reducing or increasing numbers when required.
I have attached the structure of our legal team together with their
employment status.
I hope you feel that we have done our best to answer your question, but if
you are unhappy with the answer or the way we have dealt with your
question, you can request an internal review by our Director of Resources,
Colin Sharples. The contact address is Postal Services Commission,
Hercules House, Hercules Road, London, SE1 7DB; or if you wish you can
email: [1][Postcomm request email] .
Or if you feel it would be more appropriate you can contact the
Information Commissioner who can review your case. Generally, the
Information Commissioner's Office cannot make a decision unless you have
already been through the complaints procedure we provide. The best way to
contact the Information Commissioner’s Office is either by telephoning
them on 0303 123 1113 (9am-5pm Monday to Friday) or by emailing them at
[2][email address]
Kind Regards
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