Legal Services
Dear Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council,
Could you please supply me details of all payments over £500 made to Keoghs Nicholls Lindsell & Harris for Legal Services in respect of the year to 31 March 2014.
I am concerned about overcharging because from my own experience the firm provided an initial quote of 30 hours to handle my late father’s estate but eventually charged 131.9 hours for the work done.
Yours faithfully,
Paul Cowdrey
Dear Paul,
Thank you for your request for information regarding payments over £500 made to Keoghs Nicholls Lindsell & Harris for Legal Services in respect of the year to 31 March 2014 (our reference number 30422. Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council publish all expenditure over £500 which is available to view using the following link; If you have any queries regarding your request for information then please don’t hesitate to contact me.
If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your request for information and wish to make a complaint or request a review of our decision, you should write to: Information Governance Manager, Information Governance, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, G Floor, Town Hall, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 7DY or email [Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council request email].
If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the Council. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Please find attached our 'have your say' feedback policy.
Kind Regards,
[Name of Council employee removed]
DP FOI Officer
Information Technology, Management and Governance
G Floor,
Tower Block,
Blackburn Town Hall,
Tel: 01254 58 5852
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