Health and Social Care Board
Gransha Park House
15 Gransha Park
Clooney road
BT47 6FN
Jimmy Hamill
Via email
Date: 23rd February 2018
Our Ref No: FOI 850 18
Dear Mr Hamill,
Reference – Freedom of Information Request
Thank you for your request for information. Your request was received by email
on 26th January 2018. Your request has been processed under the terms of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I have now had an opportunity to consider your request and my response is set
out below and in the attached appendices.
In respect of parts 1 through 3 of your request, I would direct you to the
information contained in appendix 1, which represents total planned recurrent
investment in Learning Disability services for 2016/17.
In respect of point 4 of your request I would direct you to appendix 2, attached.
Please note that Capitation Shares are for locality populations and not Trusts,
and have been represented in the attached appendix by the respective Local
Commissioning Group (LCG). Individual programme of care capitation shares
by Locality cannot, nor should they, be compared to planned spend by Trust as
residents within the locality can access services from a range of Trusts which
would make any conclusions drawn from comparative analysis, incorrect.
The capitation formula is designed to be a composite formula covering all
programmes of care. Caution should be exercised generally when comparing
programme of care modelled fair shares with investment at programme of care
level given the obvious potential to draw inaccurate conclusions, for the reasons
set out above.
With regards to that part of your request which sought access to the investment
figures for the 2017/18 financial year, I would advise that the information you
seek is not yet available as work on the Strategic Resource Framework for the
year 2017/18 is ongoing.
I trust you find this response helpful, however, if you are unhappy with this
response, please contact me and I will initiate an internal review into this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Peter Moran
Assistant Information Governance Manager
HSCB – Western Offices