Land Economy Past Papers

The request was successful.

Dear University of Cambridge,

I would like to request the following previous exam papers since 2014 for Land Economy:

Paper 1A Economics I
Paper 1B Economics II
Paper 2 The Public Sector
Paper 3 Quantitative and Legal methods for Land Economists
Paper 4 Land Economy, Development, and Sustainability
Paper 5 Environmental Economics and Law
Paper 6 Fundamentals of Finance and Investment
Paper 7 Regional Economics and Policy
Paper 8 The Law of Real Property: Principles, Policy, and Economic Implications
Paper 9 Private Law
Paper 10 The Built Environment
Paper 11 Land and Urban Economics
Paper 12 Law and Economics
Paper 13 Landlord and Tenant Law
Paper 14 Planning Policy and Practice
Paper 15 Advanced Techniques in Finance and Investment for Real Estate
Paper 16 Land, Food, and Ecosystem services
Paper 17 Land Policy and Development Economics

Yours faithfully,

Mohammad K

FOI, University of Cambridge

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Information Compliance Office
University of Cambridge
Governance and Compliance Division, The Old Schools Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
E: [University of Cambridge request email]

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Dear FOI,

I would like to request the following previous exam papers since 2014 for Land Economy:

Paper 1A Economics I
Paper 1B Economics II
Paper 2 The Public Sector
Paper 3 Quantitative and Legal methods for Land Economists
Paper 4 Land Economy, Development, and Sustainability
Paper 5 Environmental Economics and Law
Paper 6 Fundamentals of Finance and Investment
Paper 7 Regional Economics and Policy
Paper 8 The Law of Real Property: Principles, Policy, and Economic Implications
Paper 9 Private Law
Paper 10 The Built Environment
Paper 11 Land and Urban Economics
Paper 12 Law and Economics
Paper 13 Landlord and Tenant Law
Paper 14 Planning Policy and Practice
Paper 15 Advanced Techniques in Finance and Investment for Real Estate
Paper 16 Land, Food, and Ecosystem services
Paper 17 Land Policy and Development Economics

Yours sincerely,

Mohammad Kha

FOI, University of Cambridge

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Information Compliance Office
University of Cambridge
Governance and Compliance Division, The Old Schools Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
E: [University of Cambridge request email]

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FOI, University of Cambridge

2 Attachments

Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response.


Information Compliance Office
University of Cambridge
Governance and Compliance Division, The Old Schools
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
E: [University of Cambridge request email]

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