Land Economy Applicants

The request was partially successful.

Dear Newnham College, Cambridge,

I would be grateful if you could please provide me with answers to the following questions regarding Land Economy Applicants.

For the years 2012 to 2017, could you please advise the percentage of offer holders who were studying:
a) Maths at A level.
b) Maths and Further Maths at A level.

Yours faithfully,

Karen McKee

Carroll, Mrs Wendy, Newnham College, Cambridge

Please note that Wendy Carroll has retired as Bursar's Secretary and this
mailbox is no longer in use.  For Bursary matters please contact Melanie
Hale, Bursar's Secretary, on [email address].

Sent request to Newnham College, Cambridge again.

Newnham Bursar, Newnham College, Cambridge

1 Attachment

Dear Ms McKee

Further to your Freedom of Information request dated 31 August 2017, please find attached the relevant information.

With best wishes,
Melanie Hale

Melanie Hale
Bursar’s Secretary

Newnham College
Tel. 01223 (3)35751

Registered Charity Number: 1137512

Dear Newnham Bursar,

Thank you for your response for 2016/17. It's a shame that information is not available for the other years, because it means that no comparison is available with other years.

Yours sincerely,

Karen McKee