Lack of support for refugees

Staffordshire County Council did not have the information requested.

Ukrainian support

Dear Staffordshire County Council,

I understand that a number of neighbouring authorities are supporting Ukrainian refugees much more that Staffordshire County Council.

The latest example is neighbouring authorities are offering free bus passes, yet Staffordshire aren’t.

1. Who made the decision not to offer free bus passes to Ukrainian refugees?

2. What was the rationale for making this decision? It is nothing to do with level of council tax each council charges. Because each council receives £10,500 per refugee, which I assume is ring fenced for support.

3. Given there are over 600 Ukrainian refugees in Staffordshire, which means the government will eventually give you over £6m. How much have you spent to date?

Yours faithfully,

Ukrainian support

Staffordshire County Council

Dear Ukrainian support
Thank you for your request for information received by Staffordshire
County Council on 23/08/2022.
Your request is being dealt with and a response will be sent to you within
twenty working days. 
If you have any queries about this request do not hesitate to contact us.
Please remember to quote the case reference number above in any future
Yours sincerely

Access to Information Team

Corporate Services

1 Staffordshire Place

Tipping Street Stafford ST16 2DH

Email: [1][Staffordshire County Council request email]



Visible links
1. mailto:[Staffordshire County Council request email]

Portch, David (Corporate), Staffordshire County Council

Dear requestor

Thank you for your request for information.

Firstly, please accept my apologies for the delay in being able to respond to your request. This has been due to the absence of members of staff including myself.
I am advised that the county council do not hold the specific information that you have requested. However, the service have provided the following -

Each LA is allocated £10,500 per arrival as part of the scheme, the County has discretion as to how this is spent, a cabinet paper is due to go in December to outline our full plan as to how the allocation is made. However, until this cabinet paper is approved, we have mirrored the existing policies for any resident of Staffordshire so that all residents in Staffordshire are eligible for same support to ensure equitable provision.

The rational for doing this was so that it mirrored other resettlement schemes in Staffordshire.

The total amount spend so far cannot be accurately reflected as we do not have staffing costs included currently.

If you have any comments relating to how your request has been handled by our authority you should contact us in the first instance. Send your comment or complaint to:

Access to Information Team Manager, Access to Information Team, Staffordshire County Council, 1 Staffordshire Place, Stafford ST16 2DH or email [Staffordshire County Council request email]

If you then have any further comments relating to how your request has been handled by our authority, please contact the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF, or Make a complaint | ICO

David Portch

David Portch │Information Asset Officer
Access to Information Team – Corporate Services
1 Staffordshire Place
Tipping Street Stafford ST16 2DH
Email: [email address]

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