L100 Economics Application Statistics for 2020 Entry

University of Warwick did not have the information requested.

Dear University of Warwick,

May I please request the following information for the entry year of 2020 for the L100 Economics course at the University of Warwick:

The specified cohort refers to home student applicants who study 3 or more A-Levels.

1) Number of applicants who belong to the specified cohort
2) Number of offers made to the specific cohort
3) Registration Target
4) Mean number of A* predicted grades for applicants from the specified cohort who received an offer
5) Mean number of A* (Grade 9 or 8) achieved grades at GCSE, of whom received an offer from the specified cohort
6) Mean number of A (Grade 7) achieved grades at GCSE, of whom received an offer from the specified cohort
7) Mean number of Grade 6 achieved grades at GCSE, of whom received an offer from the specified cohort
8) Mean number of Grade 5-U achieved grades at GCSE, of whom received an offer from the specified cohort
9) Number of specified cohort applicants who bear Further Mathematics as a fourth A-Level
10) Number of specified cohort offer holders who bear Further Mathematics as a fourth A-Level
11) Number of specified cohort offer holders who bear Further Mathematics as a fourth A-Level and had an A* predicted in it
12) Number of offer holders who bear Further Mathematics as a fourth A-Level and had an A predicted in it
13) Number of applicants who belong to the specified cohort who applied after taking a gap year

Yours faithfully,

Alex Smith

infocompliance, Resource, University of Warwick

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*Please note that due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, the University of
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1. mailto:[email address]

infocompliance, Resource, University of Warwick

Alex Smith


Thank you for your email dated 16 June 2020 requesting information from
the University of Warwick under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please find below your request and the University’s response.

May I please request the following information for the entry year of 2020
for the L100 Economics course at the University of Warwick?


The specified cohort refers to home student applicants who study 3 or more


1) Number of applicants who belong to the specified cohort

2) Number of offers made to the specific cohort

3) Registration Target

4) Mean number of A* predicted grades for applicants from the specified
cohort who received an offer

5) Mean number of A* (Grade 9 or 8) achieved grades at GCSE, of whom
received an offer from the specified cohort

6) Mean number of A (Grade 7) achieved grades at GCSE, of whom received an
offer from the specified cohort

7) Mean number of Grade 6 achieved grades at GCSE, of whom received an
offer from the specified cohort

8) Mean number of Grade 5-U achieved grades at GCSE, of whom received an
offer from the specified cohort

9) Number of specified cohort applicants who bear Further Mathematics as a
fourth A-Level

10) Number of specified cohort offer holders who bear Further Mathematics
as a fourth A-Level

11) Number of specified cohort offer holders who bear Further Mathematics
as a fourth A-Level and had an A* predicted in it

12) Number of offer holders who bear Further Mathematics as a fourth
A-Level and had an A predicted in it

13) Number of applicants who belong to the specified cohort who applied
after taking a gap year


The University is unable to provide the data requested for applicants for
entry onto courses starting in the academic year 2020/21 as the current
admissions cycle is not yet complete. The University will not be in a
position to provide this until after the enrolment data is available for
the 2020/21 academic years for the various cohorts of students which is
usually at the end of October in each given year.

If you are dissatisfied with the way in which your request has been
handled you can request an internal review within one month of our
response and, in the first instance, you are advised to follow the
procedure outlined here:

If you remain dissatisfied with how your request has been handled, you
have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at: The Information
Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Walter Lane, Wilmslow, and
Cheshire, SK9 5AF (0303 123 1113) ([2]https://ico.org.uk/) There is no
charge for making an appeal.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Rowley
Ian Rowley | Director of Development, Comms & External Affairs| External
University House | University of Warwick | Coventry | CV4 8UW





Visible links
1. http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/legal...
2. https://ico.org.uk/