KPI reporting for North East Bus Service Improvement plan
Dear North East Joint Transport Committee,
Please treat this as a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) 2000.
In the refreshed version of your North East Bus Service Improvement plan on your website (, section 3 "BSIP Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)" lists 11 individual KPIs.
Section 5, "Governance and Reporting", of the same document states - "Programme
delivery updates are provided to the quarterly meetings, with risks and issues reported by exception." and that "In line with reporting requirements, we report against our KPIs on a six-monthly basis to our Bus Partnership Board, and onward to the Department for Transport (DfT) and other key stakeholders. We also publish the information on our website, and it is available in a nondigital format."
Despite this, I have not been able to find this information on your website or in committee papers.
1. Please advise where on your website that I can find your KPI reporting for the Bus Service Improvement plan, both by providing me a URL and outlining the steps from your home page to navigate to the data.
2. Please provide me with copies of the six-monthly reporting since the inception of the Bus Service Improvement plan up until the latest version.
3. Please advise how frequently this data is shared with elected representatives, either at teh JTC or the JTC OSC meetings.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Hedley
Dear Mr Hedley,
Thank you for your enquiry below.
Your questions have been logged under the above reference number and will
now be referred to the appropriate officers for consideration. You should
receive a substantive response to your questions by, or before, 25^th
April 2024.
Yours sincerely,
Owen Thomas
Deputy Data Protection Officer
Data Protection Office
Sunderland City Council
Dear Mr Hedley,
This email is in response to the Freedom of Information Request from
Wednesday 27th March 2024 in relation to the Bus Service Improvement Plan
KPI's. In relation to your 3 requests, Transport North East provides the
1. To date, KPI reports have not been published on the Transport North
East website. A new website is currently being developed as part of the
devolution transition into a mayoral combined authority. This website will
host information on the BSIP including the KPI reports.
2. Please find the 6-monthly KPI reports to date attached.
3. KPI reports are shared and discussed at our Bus Partnership Board each
6 months. Progress on the BSIP is regularly reported to members at both
Joint Transport Committee and Overview and Scrutiny Committee. At the most
recent OSC meeting in March 2024, a BSIP progress paper was discussed
which outlined highlights of the delivery of the BSIP to date.
If there is any further information required, please feel free to get in
Yours sincerely,
Owen Thomas
Deputy Data Protection Officer
Data Protection Office
Sunderland City Council
From: Data Protection Officer
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2024 4:29 PM
To: '[FOI #1108814 email]'
<[FOI #1108814 email]>
Subject: FW: Freedom of Information request - KPI reporting for North East
Bus Service Improvement plan (Ref No 24.0326)
Dear Mr Hedley,
Thank you for your enquiry below.
Your questions have been logged under the above reference number and will
now be referred to the appropriate officers for consideration. You should
receive a substantive response to your questions by, or before, 25^th
April 2024.
Yours sincerely,
Owen Thomas
Deputy Data Protection Officer
Data Protection Office
Sunderland City Council
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