Kitchen facilities

Department for Communities (Northern Ireland) did not have the information requested.

Dear Department for Communities (Northern Ireland),

Please advise why some but not all DFC buildings do not provide kitchen equipment? I.e microwaves and kettles.

Please supply service records for buildings in the North West area for the last 5 years as I believe geysers should be serviced regularly to descale and change filters etc

Surely everyone has the right to be able to heat food and have access to freshly boiled water.

Mental Health and well being issues arising from this are

Staff not eating - Canteens are good but have an affordability issue and may lead to staff not being able to eat. Also some Departments don't have use of canteens like State Pension Credit/ State Pension, yet State Pension staff do not have microwaves or kettles yet Pension Credit within the same building do. This leave 400-500 staff using 6-8 microwaves 3-6 kettles and 6 geysers. Surely staff within the same building should be treated the same.

Cleaner Water- kettles provides a facility to boil fresh water killing most germs and bacteria will geyser do not reach boiling point and maintain water at a temperature that bacteria can thrive.

- the idea of having to use something dirty as you don't having any other option.

Yours faithfully,

Ted Hasting

DfC FOI, Department for Communities (Northern Ireland)

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Helen Lindsay | Information Management Branch | Department for Communities

Level 5 | Nine Lanyon Place | BELFAST | BT1 3LP

Contact: * [1][DfC request email] 


Supporting people, Building communities, Shaping places. 



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Devlin, Brendan (DfC), Department for Communities (Northern Ireland)

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Brendan Devlin| Estates Services | Department for Communities

Level 2 | Causeway Exchange| 1-7 Bedford St | Belfast | BT2 7EG


Supporting people, Building communities, Shaping places

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