Key business systems
Dear Western Isles NHS Board,
I would be grateful if you could provide the following information relating to your organisation and the key business systems that you operate:
What is the total number of employees in your organisation?
What is the total annual £turnover for your organisation?
What is the total number of sub-contractors utilised by your organisation (average p.a.)?
Who is your Head of Finance, email and title?
Who is your Head of Procurement, email and title?
Who is your Head of HR, email and title?
Who is your Head of Payroll, email and title?
Which software applications (and versions) are you running for:
o Finance/ERP?
o Procurement?
o HR?
o Payroll?
o CRM?
o How many users of the above systems are you licensed for?
o Are any of the above applications Cloud based? If so, which?
o When was your last Finance / ERP application upgrade?
o Do you have an application support partner for any of the above applications, if so who?
o How much do you pay annually for Finance/ERP/HR/Payroll software licence support?
o How much do you pay annually for application Support & Maintenance and when does it renew?
o Do you work with off-shore partners? If so, who?
o Do you work with Systems Integration partners, if so, who?
Yours faithfully,
B J Graham
Dear Mr Graham
Please find attached NHS Western Isles response to your FOI request.
NHS Western Isles / 37 South Beach Street / Stornoway / Isle of Lewis / HS1 2BB
[email address] / Tel: 01851 708031 / Fax: 01851 702036
From: Barrie Graham <[FOI #495943 email]>
Sent: 05 July 2018 14:47
To: Foi-Requests(westernisleshealthboard) (NHS WESTERN ISLES)
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Key business systems
Dear Western Isles NHS Board,
I would be grateful if you could provide the following information relating to your organisation and the key business systems that you operate:
What is the total number of employees in your organisation?
What is the total annual £turnover for your organisation?
What is the total number of sub-contractors utilised by your organisation (average p.a.)?
Who is your Head of Finance, email and title?
Who is your Head of Procurement, email and title?
Who is your Head of HR, email and title?
Who is your Head of Payroll, email and title?
Which software applications (and versions) are you running for:
o Finance/ERP?
o Procurement?
o HR?
o Payroll?
o CRM?
o How many users of the above systems are you licensed for?
o Are any of the above applications Cloud based? If so, which?
o When was your last Finance / ERP application upgrade?
o Do you have an application support partner for any of the above applications, if so who?
o How much do you pay annually for Finance/ERP/HR/Payroll software licence support?
o How much do you pay annually for application Support & Maintenance and when does it renew?
o Do you work with off-shore partners? If so, who?
o Do you work with Systems Integration partners, if so, who?
Yours faithfully,
B J Graham
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #495943 email]
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Dear Foi-Requests Western Isles Healthboard (NHS WESTERN ISLES),
Thank you for your recent FoI request, this is appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Barrie Graham
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