Ketamine-related info

The request was partially successful.

Dear Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Health and Social Care Trust,

1. Please provide annual figures for ketamine-related emergency calls, for each year 1990-2014.

2. Please provide annual figures for ketamine-related deaths in NHS ambulances, for each year 1990-2014.

3. Please provide copies of any available and relevant infosheets or leaflets regarding ketamine (e.g. either public health notices, treatment/situation guidelines, advice to professional staff, etc.)

4. What percentage of patients were administered ketamine in an NHS ambulance, for each year 1990-2014?

5. What are NHS standard treatment guidelines for 'recreational' ketamine use admissions?

6. How many emergency calls related to recreational ketamine use involved IV or IM use?

7. How many deaths in emergency calls related to recreational ketamine use involved IV or IM use?

8. How many emergency calls related to recreational ketamine use also involved other drugs?

7. How many deaths in NHS ambulances related to recreational ketamine use also involved other drugs?

Yours faithfully,

David van Eyck

Dear Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Health and Social Care Trust,

I've not received a response to my FOI request, which by law I should have received by 30 September 2014.

Could you please clarify the situation?

Yours faithfully,

David van Eyck

Corporate Manager, Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Health and Social Care Trust

2 Attachments

NIAS REF:    AD/IG/01(2)/113


Good Morning Mr van Eyck


Thank you for your request for information which is dated 2 September
2014.  However, unfortunately I never directly received the email and it
was only today that I have identified you have sent same as another
requestor has highlighted a similar issue.  It has been identified as a
legitimate email filtering process that went on and which weighted the
email and therefore I never received same.  I have taken steps to today to
ensure emails are received as part of everyday


I therefore have taken today’s date as the receipt of same and I hope you
are content with this.


In relation you request I have attached an acknowledgement letter and
information sheet for your perusal.  I can confirm at this time that
ketamine is not a defined chief complaint with the Northern Ireland
Ambulance Service chief complaint coding system as it could fall under
“Overdose/Poisoning”; “Unconscious/Fainting” etc and will therefore make
it difficult to identify any information.  It may be that staff will have
used a free text field to state Ketamine has been taken.  I would further
advise that we will in no way hold records from 1990 as the Northern
Ireland Ambulance Service was only formed in 1995.  However we will search
our records and identify any information that we hold.


I have provided further detail below on the email filtering process.


Your request is currently being processed





For information – Email Filtering


MailMarshal is the email filtering software in use within NIAS to protect
from unwanted and malicious emails.  It is based on a pre-populated list
further details for this are at the end of this email.  URLCensor is a
built-in XML script within Mailmarshal, which checks an address against a
predefined remote blacklist and a weighting.  Unfortunately the was identified as a malicious sender and at that time,
whenever a message was placed into the SPAM folder, no alerts were
generated either to the sender of the message or the intended recipient.
This is standard behaviour due to the desire (i) not to alert malicious
senders to the fact that they have sent a message to a valid email address
and (ii) not to clutter up the Mailboxes of staff with an automated alert
message for every single unwanted spam message the organisation receives
which is addressed to them.


NIAS made a change to this behaviour last week: the recipient of any
messages placed into the Spam folder will now get an automatic “spam
digest” email from MailMarshal every Monday morning, with a  list  of any
messages placed into the Spam folder since the last digest email.

The domain [1]* has now been added to the Mailmarshal

In the future therefore, currently any emails from
should never get classified as Spam (due to now being on the Whitelist).


Northern Ireland Ambulance Service | Alison Vitty | Corporate Manager |
Site 30 | Knockbracken Healthcare Park | Saintfield Road | Belfast |
Northern Ireland| BT8 8SG | Tele No: 028 9040 0710 | Fax No: 028
90400908|Minicom 028 90400871|[email address]|



Scanned by MailMarshal - Marshal's comprehensive email content security
solution. Download a free evaluation of MailMarshal at [3]



Visible links
1. mailto:*

Andrew Watterson, Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Health and Social Care Trust

1 Attachment

NIAS REF:    AD/IG/01(2)/113


Good Afternoon Mr van Eyck


The Northern Ireland Ambulance Service HSC Trust has now completed its
search for your information and which is attached in a response letter for
your ease.

I hope the attached fully assists you. 




Andrew Watterson



Northern Ireland Ambulance Service HSC Trust | Andrew Watterson | Clinical
Audit Officer | Site 30 | Knockbracken Healthcare Park | Saintfield Road |
Belfast | Northern Ireland | BT8 8SG |

Telephone: 028 9040 0921 | Fax: 028 90400908 |
[1][email address] | [2]


From: Corporate Manager
Sent: 29 October 2014 11:33
To: '[FOI #227988 email]'


NIAS REF:    AD/IG/01(2)/113


Good Morning Mr van Eyck


Thank you for your request for information which is dated 2 September
2014.  However, unfortunately I never directly received the email and it
was only today that I have identified you have sent same as another
requestor has highlighted a similar issue.  It has been identified as a
legitimate email filtering process that went on and which weighted the
email and therefore I never received same.  I have taken steps to today to
ensure emails are received as part of everyday


I therefore have taken today’s date as the receipt of same and I hope you
are content with this.


In relation you request I have attached an acknowledgement letter and
information sheet for your perusal.  I can confirm at this time that
ketamine is not a defined chief complaint with the Northern Ireland
Ambulance Service chief complaint coding system as it could fall under
“Overdose/Poisoning”; “Unconscious/Fainting” etc and will therefore make
it difficult to identify any information.  It may be that staff will have
used a free text field to state Ketamine has been taken.  I would further
advise that we will in no way hold records from 1990 as the Northern
Ireland Ambulance Service was only formed in 1995.  However we will search
our records and identify any information that we hold.


I have provided further detail below on the email filtering process.


Your request is currently being processed





For information – Email Filtering


MailMarshal is the email filtering software in use within NIAS to protect
from unwanted and malicious emails.  It is based on a pre-populated list
further details for this are at the end of this email.  URLCensor is a
built-in XML script within Mailmarshal, which checks an address against a
predefined remote blacklist and a weighting.  Unfortunately the was identified as a malicious sender and at that time,
whenever a message was placed into the SPAM folder, no alerts were
generated either to the sender of the message or the intended recipient.
This is standard behaviour due to the desire (i) not to alert malicious
senders to the fact that they have sent a message to a valid email address
and (ii) not to clutter up the Mailboxes of staff with an automated alert
message for every single unwanted spam message the organisation receives
which is addressed to them.


NIAS made a change to this behaviour last week: the recipient of any
messages placed into the Spam folder will now get an automatic “spam
digest” email from MailMarshal every Monday morning, with a  list  of any
messages placed into the Spam folder since the last digest email.

The domain [3]* has now been added to the Mailmarshal

In the future therefore, currently any emails from
should never get classified as Spam (due to now being on the Whitelist).


Northern Ireland Ambulance Service | Alison Vitty | Corporate Manager |
Site 30 | Knockbracken Healthcare Park | Saintfield Road | Belfast |
Northern Ireland| BT8 8SG | Tele No: 028 9040 0710 | Fax No: 028
90400908|Minicom 028 [4]90400871|[email address]|



Scanned by MailMarshal - Marshal's comprehensive email content security
solution. Download a free evaluation of MailMarshal at [6]



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:*
4. mailto:90400871|[email address]|