Ketamine-related admissions, deaths, etc.
Dear East Midlands Public Health Observatory,
1. Please provide annual figures for ketamine-related emergency admissions, for each year 1990-2014.
2. Please provide annual figures for ketamine-related deaths in NHS hospitals, for each year 1990-2014.
3. Please provide copies of any available and relevant infosheets or leaflets regarding ketamine (e.g. either public health notices, treatment/situation guidelines, advice to professional staff, etc.)
4. What percentage of patients were administered ketamine, for each year 1990-2014?
5. What are NHS standard treatment guidelines for 'recreational' ketamine use admissions?
6. How many emergency admissions related to recreational ketamine use involved IV or IM use?
7. How many deaths in NHS hospitals related to recreational ketamine use involved IV or IM use?
8. How many emergency admissions related to recreational ketamine use also involved other drugs?
7. How many deaths in NHS hospitals related to recreational ketamine use also involved other drugs?
Yours faithfully,
David van Eyck
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Doug - volunteer,