Kate Griffiths' date of birth
Dear East Staffordshire Borough Council,
The current MP for Burton, Kate Griffiths, declined to provide a date of birth for the 2019 Times Guide to the House of Commons book. As the information is not available elsewhere, and I feel it should be in the public domain, I am writing to request that you confirm:
1. Kate Griffiths' date of birth
2. Kate Griffiths' full name
I believe these details would have been supplied when she was nominated as a Conservative candidate prior to the 2019 general election.
Yours faithfully,
Mr T Morgan
Freedom of Information Procedure
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East Staffordshire Borough Council
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Burton upon Trent
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Thank you for your email.
In regards to the current MP for Burton, Kate Griffiths, I can confirm;
1. Kate Griffiths' date of birth is 25/11/1970
2. Kate Griffiths' full name is Kate Elizabeth Griffiths
Kind regards,
Nicky Gilligan, AEA (Cert)
Principal Elections Officer
Corporate and Commercial
PO BOX 8045
Burton upon Trent
DE14 9JG
01283 508332
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available at the front of the Town Hall. There is also a pay and display
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Dear Nicola Gilligan,
Many thanks for providing this information.
Yours sincerely,
Mr T Morgan
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