Junior Research Fellowship Recruitment
Dear Brasenose College, Oxford,
Please could you provide me with some specific data from your Equal Opportunities Monitoring Forms for the recruitment of Junior Research Fellows/Postdoctoral Research Fellows (Stipendiary and Non-stipendiary) for the last 10 years.
I would like anonymised statistics pertaining to unsuccessful applicants' gender, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, and religion.
I would like anonymised statistics pertaining to successful applicants' gender, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, and religion.
Yours faithfully,
Gwendolen Bowles
Dear Ms Bowles
I confirm we are in receipt of your request received 23 January and will
respond in due course.
Kind regards
Sally Penton
HR Assistant & Secretary to the Bursar
Brasenose College | Radcliffe Square | Oxford OX1 4AJ
Telephone: 01865 277871
[1]Description: Description: brasenose-college
Visible links
Dear Brasenose College, Oxford,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Brasenose College, Oxford's handling of my FOI request 'Junior Research Fellowship Recruitment'.
My request has not been answered within 20 days. By law, the college should have responded by now.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/j...
Yours faithfully,
Gwendolen Bowles
Dear Gwendolen
Apologies for not sending the information on to you sooner, we are working on the response and will get back to you soon.
Kind regards
Sally Penton
HR Assistant & Secretary to the Bursar
Brasenose College | Radcliffe Square | Oxford OX1 4AJ
Telephone: 01865 277871
Dear Gwendolen
Please find our response to your recent FOI attached.
Please accept our apologies for the late reply.
Kind regards
Sally Penton
HR Assistant & Secretary to the Bursar
Brasenose College | Radcliffe Square | Oxford OX1 4AJ
Telephone: 01865 277871
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