Judicial Bond Number of Court Officials - Insurance against Injury or Tort

J Walker made this Freedom of Information request to Supreme Court of the United Kingdom This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

Supreme Court of the United Kingdom did not have the information requested.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to know what information the Supreme Court holds regarding the Bond Numbers of Judges and Court Officials comprising of any form the public may use that will enable them to gain access to these Bond Numbers.

'The Judicial Bonds Numbers would attach to each member of staff in order to insurance against any injury or tort they may cause to men & women, whilst operating within the judicial system.

These should be freely available to the public along with a request form, please also supply the form.'


J Walker

Achow, Ann,

I am now out of the office retuning on Monday 9 November. My e mails are
not being forwarded or monitored. If your query is urgent please contact
Christine Younger [email address] for matters
concerning the library , information management or Freedom of Information
or Rake Orekie on [email address] for matters
concerning IT. Alternatively please ring the UKSC main enquiry point on
020 7960 1900.
Ann Achow , Departmental Records Officer, The Supreme Court of the United
Kingdom, Parliament Square, London SW1P 3BD Tel 020 7960 1983

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Achow, Ann,

Dear Mr/Ms Walker

Thank you for your request of 27 October 2009 concerning access to Bond

The information which you request is not held by the Supreme Court. If
you provide me with the source of the quotation in the second and third
paragraphs of your request I may be able to refer you to another public
body who can help you.

As part of our obligations under the FOIA, we have an independent review
process. If you are dissatisfied with this decision, you may write to
request an internal review. The internal review will be carried out by
someone who did not make the original decision, and they will re-assess
how your request was handled.

If you wish to request an internal review, please write or send an email
to the Director of Corporate Services within two months of the date of
this reply, at the following address:

Director of Corporate Services
The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
Parliament Square

[email address]

If you remain dissatisfied after an internal review decision, you have
the right to apply to the Information Commissioner's Office under
Section 50 of the FOIA. You can contact the Information Commissioner's
Office at the following address:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Internet: https://www.ico.gov.uk/Global/contact_us...

Yours sincerely,

Ann Achow (Mrs)
Departmental Records Officer
The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
Parliament Square

Tel: 020 7960 1983

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