Judicial and Insolvency Service corruption - The Ministerial Briefing Report

Stop Corruption UK LLP made this Freedom of Information request to Cabinet Office This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

Waiting for an internal review by Cabinet Office of their handling of this request.

Stop Corruption UK LLP

Dear Cabinet Office,

On 19th February 2021 I wrote to Lord True, Lord Agnew, Lord True, Minister Gove, Minister Skully and other Ministers via the Ministerial Correspondence email and their private email addresses to address issues of insolvency and judicial corruption. I wrote also to Minister Callanan of the Insolvency Service and other Ministers at BEIS.

I wrote in respect of the Ministerial Briefing Report of that date detailing:

"The matters present wide ranging public interest issues, demonstrating that in the UK one cannot rely on the terms of a completed contract to gain restitution in the courts in my own case and in both cases, that both the justice system and the Insolvency Service are rotten to the core with corrupt practices designed to defraud, conceal and asset strip".

"I am asking that following our Zoom call, you all raise this document in the House of Lords. This outrageous corruption under the façade of “justice” and insolvency has been going on for too long. Political interference is the main driver of this systemic corruption and inter-agency collusion".

No Minister, nor their representatives attended the Zoom call and absolutely no response to my concise 22-page report (with the table of contents for ease in navigation) was provided. I list however, the number of times the email and report was read by the various Ministers:

[email address] - (Lord Agnew) - Scot Young estate & Times article: Insolvency firms put under investigation - Inter agency collusion: Last read: 11:56, Mar 24 Read: 43 times
[email address] - (Michael Gove) Ministers concealing indictable offences & fraud against creditors - The intel report: Last read: 16:09, Mar 18 - Read: 10 times
[email address] - (Lord True) - Zoom meeting 12PM - 26/02/2021 - reminder: Last read: 11:04, Feb 26
Read: 1 time
[email address] (Minister Zahawi) - Request for Zoom conference - P. Millinder / A. Stansfeld / M. Young / K. Hollinrake / BEIS & Cabinet Office Ministers: Last read: 13:42, Mar 4
Read: 26 times
[email address] (Minister Zahawi) - Scot Young estate & Times article: Insolvency firms put under investigation - Inter agency collusion: Last read: 13:42, Mar 4 - Read: 43 times
[email address] - (Minister Lopez) - Scot Young estate & Times article: Insolvency firms put under investigation - Inter agency collusion Last read: 9:30, Mar 2 - Read: 8 times
[email address] - (Minister Callanan) - Scot Young estate & Times article: Insolvency firms put under investigation - Inter agency collusion Last read: 2.02, Feb 22, Read: 57 times
[email address] - (Minister Mordaunt) - Zoom meeting 12PM - 26/02/2021 - reminder Last read: 13:08, Mar 1 -
Read: 4 times
[email address] - (Minister Milling) - Ministers concealing indictable offences & fraud against creditors - The intel report 13:55, Feb 26
Read: 1 time
[email address] - (Minister Lopez) - Request for Zoom conference - P. Millinder / A. Stansfeld / M. Young / K. Hollinrake / BEIS & Cabinet Office Ministers: Last read: 11:22, Feb 24
Read 4 times


All ministers are required, under section 3(1) of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 to "uphold the continued independence of the judiciary." The Lord Chancellor has an additional duty, expressed in the oath of office, to "defend" that independence. This defence includes preventing undue Government influence on judicial decisions (including undue ministerial criticism of judicial decisions), ensuring adequate resources for the judiciary to exercise their functions and having regard to the public interest.

It is undue political interference, by the Law Ministers of the Attorney General’s Office, the Lord Chief Justice and the Lord Chancellor himself who are driving this judicial corruption.


1. We request to inspect all internal correspondences between officials and all Government departments in respect of that ministerial briefing report and The Times article referred to.

2. We request to see all instructions given in respect of the Ministerial Briefing Report and evidence of all action taken by the Cabinet Office and all replies in respect of the issues raised of judicial corruption and inter-agency collusion therein raised.

3. We request to inspect all documentation to establish what the Cabinet Office and its ministers are doing in the national public interest to perform on their statutory duties.

4. The scope of the request is from 12th February 2021 until 25th March 2021 and we request to inspect all information, in whichever form such information is available, including any oral recordings or handwritten notes, throughout that period in relation to the matters raised.

5. We request to inspect each and every single correspondence between ministers and officials within the Cabinet Office and BEIS to identify whether in fact ministers are performing on their duties under section 3(1) of the Constitutional Reform Act.
We have substantive reason to believe that ministers have adopted the “doctrine of willful blindness”. In doing so they are in breach of their duties and their oaths in office by concealing corruption driven by undue political interference (acting contrary to the law).

We ask that you observe the statutory timeframe for delivering on this request and that we are aware that there may be a charge for compiling this information. Please confirm what that fee is if there is and we would be happy to disburse it at once on account.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Millinder


Cabinet Office FOI Team,

Our ref: FOI2021/06921

Dear Paul Millinder,

Thank you for your request for information which was received on 25th
March. Your request is being handled under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 ('the Act').

The Act requires that a response must be given promptly, and in any event
within 20 working days. We will therefore aim to reply at the latest by
26th April.

Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future

Yours sincerely,

Freedom of Information Team

Cabinet Office

Cabinet Office FOI Team,

1 Attachment

Dear Paul Millinder,

Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information
request (reference FOI2021/06921).

Yours sincerely,

Freedom of Information Team

Cabinet Office

Stop Corruption UK LLP

Dear Cabinet Office,

I am writing to request an internal review of the handling of my FOI request 'Judicial and Insolvency Service corruption - The Ministerial Briefing Report'. We have numbered this review request for ease in reference:

1. We have emailed you with an article published in our website today in relation to the concealment of wrongdoing by corrupt public officials. That is, in reality the reason you refused our request. Your actions in doing so defeats the entire purpose of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which is designed to allow the public to scrutinise the work of public bodies.

2. Your actions in refusal to provide transparency, being open about the issues raised in the report is contrary to your mandatory duty to act according to the Nolan Principles.

3. It is in the national public interest that ministers seek to conceal and suppress acts of corruption whilst coercing the judiciary to do the same, as it is that ministers are breaching their duty to act with honesty, integrity, openness and to provide accountability for their actions.

6. It is likewise in the public interest that ministers are fulfill their duties in law, under section 3(1) of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 to "uphold the continued independence of the judiciary

7. It would take less than 1-hour to ask the ministers who were emailed to produce the responses and follow ups to comply with the request. Given the extent of the losses caused to me by virtue of the frauds sustained and concealed by delinquent public officials, it is somewhat insulting to even refer to a mere £600, but in any event, it would, as I assert, take, in reality, less than 1 hour to compile the information requested. You cannot possibly maintain that it will take any more than 6-hours to do so. The fact you suggested 3.5 days to ask the ministers to send the information and enquiries they made indicates clear incompetence on its own, let alone failure to act according to the law, in a constitutionally proper way.

8. Surely email records and file notes are maintained, such that they can be produced easily. A narrow time band between 12th February 2021 and 25th March 2021 (1-month and 13 days), is much shorter than many of the requests you deal with on a day to day basis. There appears to be various rather lame excuses given for failing to comply with the public authority's obligations under the Act, clearly and obviously for reasons far more sinister.

9. We now request that you produce the information and send it to us by email without further procrastination.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/j...

Thank you very much.

Yours faithfully,

Stop Corruption UK LLP

Cabinet Office FOI Team,

Dear Paul Millinder,

Thank you for your request for an internal review (reference
IR2021/09794), which was prompted by our response to your request for
information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

We shall endeavour to complete the internal review and respond to you
within 20 working days.

Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future

Yours sincerely,

FOI Team

Stop Corruption UK LLP

Dear Cabinet Office,

You have failed to deliver the review in time, undoubtedly because you have been trying to establish how you can continue acting contrary to the law, concealing these matters of national public importance, concealing fraud and corruption, because that is what you have been doing all along.

There was no reasonable grounds from which to have denied disclosure of the pertinent information save for the fact you have been acting contrary to the public interest in covering up to protect fellow members of your kleptocracy from prosecution.

Yours faithfully,

Stop Corruption UK LLP

FOI Team Mailbox, Cabinet Office

Dear Paul Millinder,
Thank you for your email,
The ICO advise that internal reviews should take 20 work days from the
date of receiving the request to complete but also acknowledge that they
may take up to 40 work days. Please be assured that we are still
considering this internal review and will aim to respond shortly.
Kind regards,

FOI Team
Cabinet Office

show quoted sections

Stop Corruption UK LLP

Dear Cabinet Office,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Cabinet Office's handling of my FOI request 'Judicial and Insolvency Service corruption - The Ministerial Briefing Report'.

You stated you would deal with the information request under the subject access provisions of the DPA 2018. You have failed whatsoever to provide any information or feedback within the prescribed time frames. It is obvious that you are concealing this Institutionalised fraud, contrary to your duties to act at all times in the public interest.

Where is the information we requested?

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/j...

Yours faithfully,

Stop Corruption UK LLP