JSA-Related Documents and Guidance for contacting employers

The request was successful.

Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

1) Please provide copies of all documents used to contact employers about specific jobseekers, whether for feedback, after job termination (an ES85JP comes to mind, for a start) or any other reason.

2) Please also provide any and all documentation and guidance in full from your department for the usage of these documents and the information received back.

3) Please provide any and all documentation and guidance in full from your department on the subject of contacting employers about specific jobseekers in any circumstance through means other than the documents requested in (1) such as by phone, email or other communications.

4) Please provide documentation of the regulatory and legislative frameworks known by your department, if any, to be activated in the carrying out of such communication referred to in (1) to (3) and in justifying that communication as necessary, lawful, and respectful of the privacy of the jobseeker in question.

5) Please provide documentation of and guidance on any policy in your department enabling jobseekers to opt-out of your department contacting employers about them without their informed and voluntary consent. If such a policy exists, a written confirmation that opting-out is possible is also requested. In the absence of such policy, a written confirmation that there is no such policy would suffice.

Yours faithfully,

Jesse Walce

DWP freedom-of-information-requests, Department for Work and Pensions

This is an automated confirmation that your request for information has
been accepted by the DWP FoI mailbox.

By the next working day your request will be forwarded to the relevant
information owner within the Department who will respond to you direct. 

If your email is a Freedom of Information request you can normally
expect a response within 20 working days.

Should you have any further queries in connection with this request do
please contact us.

For further information on the Freedom of Information Act within DWP
please click on the link below.


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Visible links
1. http://www.dwp.gov.uk/freedom-of-informa...

Mary Sanderson left an annotation ()

Hi Jesse, an interesting request.

Have you experienced a problem?

Operations FOI Requests, Department for Work and Pensions

20 Attachments

Jesse Walce
Please see copy of your FoI request attached
More documents will follow in second e-mail
DWP Freedom of Information Request Team

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DLP15, Department for Work and Pensions

11 Attachments

This email was intercepted by the DWP Email Content Scanning System and has now been released following authorisation.

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Richard Taylor left an annotation ()

The DWP accidentally sent the wrong response letter as an attachment to one of the above messages. They have been in touch with the WhatDoTheyKnow team and have said the other attachments are correct.

Some personal information of a third party has been removed from the accidentally released attachment.

A replacement "response" document is expected to be sent to this thread.


Richard - WhatDoTheyKnow.com volunteer

Operations FOI Requests, Department for Work and Pensions

1 Attachment

Dear Jesse Walce,

Please find attached the response letter that should have accompanied the documents published on 6 June. Unfortunately a response to another correspondent was appended by mistake. We apologise for this error.

Yours sincerely,

DWP | Freedom of Information Team

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