jobcentre data
Dear Sir or Madam,
can you please tell me for what period of time jobcentreplus or dwp holds information/data on a jobseeker/benefit claimant after they have "signed off" from jobcentre and resumed employment. thank you.
Yours faithfully, i. reeves.
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Dear I. Reeves.
Please find attached the reply to you Freedom of Information request to
the Department for Work and Pensions.
Amanda Ashworth
DWP Information and Devolution Policy Division, part of Legal Group
From: i.reeves [[FOI #16691 email]]
Sent: 10 August 2009 21:22
To: DWP Adelphi Freedom-of-Information-Request
Subject: Freedom of Information request - jobcentre data
Dear Sir or Madam, can you please tell me for what period of time
jobcentreplus or dwp holds information/data on a jobseeker/benefit
claimant after they have "signed off" from jobcentre and resumed
employment. thank you.
Yours faithfully, i. reeves.
Ian Jackson left an annotation ()
They retain details until year 2999. I assume they will actually destroy it before that date but I can say they would probably keep it until 5 years after your death assuming that you live to your life expectancy.
You never knoe they might post it to some random stranger or leave it on a train...
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John Cross left an annotation ()
"Additionally, for Jobseekers Allowance claims, data remains on the JSAPS computer system for at least 4 years after the record was last updated. And when the benefits is taxable, paper records are retained for 4 years after the claim ends, this to meet the requirements of Her Majesty Revenue and Customs."
I wonder whether the data is destroyed promptly after the end of this four year period.