IT summary request

The request was successful.

Dear Welsh Assembly Government/Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru,

Please could you supply the organisational structure of your ICT Dept and a list of all software applications used by WAG?

Yours faithfully,

Collin Jenkins

Mead, Gail - (CSOT - Business Management),

1 Attachment

Mr Jenkins,

Please find attached an acknowledgment of your request for information and
our understanding of your request.

<<letter 1- acknowledgement 09.02.2010.doc>>

I will be in touch in due course,



Gail Mead

Business Information Manager/Rheolwr Gwybodaeth Busnes
Central Services Operations Team/Tim Gweithrediadau'r Canalog
Welsh assembly Government/Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru

Phone/Ffon :029 20 826538
E-mail/E-bost:[email address]

show quoted sections

Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or
recorded for legal purposes.

Cafodd fersiwn gwreiddiol y neges e-bost hon ei sganio gan wasanaeth
gwrthfeirysau Mewnrwyd Ddiogel y Llywodraeth (GSI) a ddarparwyd gan
Cable&Wireless mewn partneriaeth a MessageLabs. (Rhif Tystysgrif CCTM
2006/04/0007). Wrth adael y GSI nid oedd unrhyw feirws yn gysylltiedig a'r
neges hon.
Mae'n ddigon posibl y bydd unrhyw ohebiaeth drwy'r GSI yn cael ei logio,
ei monitro a/neu ei chofnodi yn awtomatig am resymau cyfreithiol.

Dear Mead, Gail - (CSOT - Business Management),

Thank you for your recent communication. You have correctly identified the areas i have requested.

I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Yours sincerely,

Collin Jenkins

Mead, Gail - (CSOT - Business Management),

3 Attachments

Mr Jenkins,

Please find attached the information you requested. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.

<<4002 - letter2doc 1disclosure.doc>> <<4002 - doc2organisational
structure.doc>> <<4002 - doc3listofsoftwareapplications.doc>>



Gail Mead

Business Information Manager/Rheolwr Gwybodaeth Busnes
Central Services Operations Team/Tim Gweithrediadau'r Canalog
Welsh assembly Government/Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru

Phone/Ffon :029 20 826538
E-mail/E-bost:[email address]

show quoted sections

Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or
recorded for legal purposes.

Cafodd fersiwn gwreiddiol y neges e-bost hon ei sganio gan wasanaeth
gwrthfeirysau Mewnrwyd Ddiogel y Llywodraeth (GSI) a ddarparwyd gan
Cable&Wireless mewn partneriaeth a MessageLabs. (Rhif Tystysgrif CCTM
2006/04/0007). Wrth adael y GSI nid oedd unrhyw feirws yn gysylltiedig a'r
neges hon.
Mae'n ddigon posibl y bydd unrhyw ohebiaeth drwy'r GSI yn cael ei logio,
ei monitro a/neu ei chofnodi yn awtomatig am resymau cyfreithiol.

Millard, Nicholette (CSOT - Business Management),

Mr Jenkins

Please note, the information you requested was sent to you on 4th March.
Could you please confirm receipt.

Many Thanks

Nicholette Millard
Swyddog Asedau a Diogelwch/Assets and Security Officer
Adran y Prif Weinidog a'r Cabinet/Department of the First Minister and
Llywodraeth Cynylliad Cymru/Welsh Assembly Government
Ffon/Phone 02920 825628
Ffacs/Fax 02920 823001
E-bost/E-mail [email address]

show quoted sections

Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or
recorded for legal purposes.

Cafodd fersiwn gwreiddiol y neges e-bost hon ei sganio gan wasanaeth
gwrthfeirysau Mewnrwyd Ddiogel y Llywodraeth (GSI) a ddarparwyd gan
Cable&Wireless mewn partneriaeth a MessageLabs. (Rhif Tystysgrif CCTM
2006/04/0007). Wrth adael y GSI nid oedd unrhyw feirws yn gysylltiedig a'r
neges hon.
Mae'n ddigon posibl y bydd unrhyw ohebiaeth drwy'r GSI yn cael ei logio,
ei monitro a/neu ei chofnodi yn awtomatig am resymau cyfreithiol.